I took this off my friend's blog. I'm trying to make it my profile pic, trying. This is from our AB and Staff Christmas Party on Sunday night. It went great. 2 parties down, 1 to go. I don't mind at all, but it really is a lot of work (decor, games, gifts, devotions, menus, etc.) and it feels good to be done. Or almost done.
I'm going to look around our computer files and see what other pics I can come up with. I am desperately hoping for a digital camera for my birthday. There are so many things I wish I could share and a picture is worth a thousand words! I would first want to share how Christmasy our house is. I LOVE decorating. I try to buy just a little bit each year to add to our Christmas decorations. It's also so much easier to decorate each year because my little elves are growing older and even more a part of team Chouinard. We did a gingerbread train this year instead of our traditional gingerbread house. Every year, there is a little one who hangs out near it to sneak off pieces of candy or frosting. The kids have had fun trying to catch little Hannah at it again. It's been 3 weeks now and she hasn't gotten away with much. Next year I bet "little whose it" will be pulling himself or herself up to the display table trying to eat it too.
School was delayed for 2 hours yesterday and this morning because of the cold and snow. Yesterday morning, the kids and I went out to breakfast (with my Shari's coupons) which was fun. This morning, Elijah put a hole in his forehead, which was not fun. It was spurting blood all over. He did it on the corner of his dresser. Poor, poor thing. He was still able to go to school though. He wouldn't want to miss school for the world.
After all that excitement, I went to Fred Meyer to buy 110 gift cards (which took foooorrrreeevvver) for our teenage client gifts and then shop for an additional 20 elderly that were not adopted off our Giving Trees. Several of them were in their 90's. One of the ladies is 96 years old and wanted a bra and panties. I was soooo tempted to get her something lacy red and sexy. If I were 96, I'd want that too. But I restrained myself and got her something in between. Most everyone else wanted jammies, sweaters, jeans and such. It would've been fun, but I had to hurry to get the girls from school by Noon. People were staring at me with all the clothes in my buggy, so I of course, felt the need to explain myself to all the onlookers. I don't know why I do that. But I also look at it as an opportunity to tell them about one of the many ways The Salvation Army spends their money. Went back to the Corps to sort it all, touched base with a couple of Staff and Corps people.
I'm making pizza for dinner, which is always a hit. I noticed Stacie has her recipe up on her blog. I'll have to try that one too. Looks good. I still don't know how she gets her sausage so fine and crumbly and PERFECT. My dough recipe comes from my brother's ex-wife, which I make in my mixer. It is WW with honey and I add olive oil too. Now it is rising in the bathroom, which is the only consistently warm room in he house.
Tonight we're headed off to school to see Elijah in his Christmas Singing Recital. He will have a big bandage on his forehead, but hopefully his cute little sweater vest suit will make up for it.
Okay, the boys are home from school, time to go dish out snacks and kissy huggy poos!