Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Women Officers- Effective Habits

This is an excerpt from our General Eva Burrows (Retired) address to Cadets some time ago-----  It was emailed to me a few years ago.  I've kept it posted above my desk to review when I feel like I'm getting off-track.  This is a useful way to be effective in all avenues of ministry- family, home, workplace, church, etc.

"Habit 1- Keep Studying
Always remain a student of the world around us and a student of the Bible.  That way we will understand the context of mission and be able to offer the Word in a relevant way.

Habit 2- Nurture Yourself
With devotions, with good coaches or mentors or spiritual directors.  Defects in spiritual life affects our leadership more than anything else.  So have a plan for your personal spiritual development and follow it.

Habit 3- Use Your Uniqueness In Your Ministry
God wants us to be who He made us to be.  Be who you are and do what you do best.  This way you will do wonders for God's kingdom.

Habit 4- Exercise Competence Beyond Your Gifting
Don't use gifting as an excuse for not doing what is your responsibility.  Learn about what you don't know and talk with others and utilise others who can help.  Don't monopilise your ministry, but mulitply it.

Habit 5- Be A Spiritual Leader
Cast vision.  Have a clear and passionate focus for mission.  Be ready to adjust strategies.  Above all, like Jesus, be a Servant Leader."

General Eva Burrows (R) was our General when God called me to Officership when I was about 10.  I was a willing soul after my Corps Officer, Mrs. Miller, taught us in Jr. Soldiers about our new General.  I remember feeling so hopeful, that there was a place for me, a woman, in Ministry.  I so wanted to share about Jesus. Still do.     I met General Eva when I was a teenager with my mom at a Labor Day Camp.  She was so kind and relatable.

General Eva is the daughter of Salvation Army Officers.  She is the 8th of 9 children. 
She never married, committing herself entirely to the advancement of God's kingdom. 
She served around the world, ultimately being elected as the General, the world leader of The Salvation Army,  in 1986 until 1993.
She is known as "The People's General".

on effective (or destructive!)  habits.........
"We first form habits, and then they form us."

Dinner last night: Ravioli, Salad, Fruit Bar
Dinner tonight: Chicken Corden Bleu Casserole, Peaches, Choco Chip Cookies
Dinner tomorrow night: Crockpot Chicken, Potatos, Apple Slices

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