Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, March 27, 2009

Daily Life Pics

My Hannah, give her a wet rag and she'll clean anything!

Ann asks for chores to do. Here she is wiping down the outside of the fridge.
She does a great job getting the details.

Mommy's chore. Every couple months or so I fall this far behind. The boys dumped the laundry hampers downstairs for me. 6 people times 5 days, not including towels and such which I did keep up on. I'm estimating at least 8 loads here.

My little guitar guys. David has been taking lessons for almost 6 months. Elijah was evaluated, but his hands need to grow a little more so he's not frustrated with the process. Hopefully, he can start after he turns 8 in Sept.

Ann and Hannah LOVE to sit on the counter and watch Daddy shave.

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