This is me...
Sigh. Smile.
This is my babe!
We've had 3 babes in this home, they all have loved standing under the table here.
8 months old tomorrow.
17 1/2 pounds of (as my mother says... "tender juicy baby flesh!") LOVE it!!
Mary has heard her name quite a lot this month.
We are always saying "Merry Christmas"
and she perks right up and giggles thinking that we're talking to her!
I love my babes more now than I ever have. It just keeps getting better.
I so enjoy and marvel at watching them grow,
but I'm appreciating that one day, we won't have anymore babes in the home. Boo hoo.
At least I should start having grandchildren by the time the littlest ones grow up.
That way, I'll never have empty arms.
Thank you Lord, for children! (Especially mine! hee!hee!)