Christmas is packed up and put away. Now it's as if it never happened except for the chocolates lurking in the cupboards and the toys that still haven't found a place to belong.
I wonder where our next Christmas will be...
"Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23
I'm glad every day is a fresh start.
Most every night, on my way to dream land I say to myself, and God,
tomorrow is a fresh start, and I'll do better.
I'm not all that much into New Year's resolutions. Why wait until Jan. 1 to resolve to do something that I'm not already doing, but should be. I make resolutions all year long. Not that they always stay. But even if I do or don't do something a few times, atleast I'm better off than had I never tried at all.This year, I'm asking God to make a resolution to me. I want to be satisfied with Him alone. He says He is ENOUGH. I want to really *get that*. Sure, at times I get it. But I want more of Him. See, I'm not satisfied ;) I just know that when He is enough for me, I'm not looking to other places. I'm not putting that demand/expectation on my husband, or family, or people around me. I'm not even looking to the ministry for fulfillment. None of those things will ever be enough for me. But God says HE IS. (Must I always have to re-visit this "lesson" in my life!?!)
So, I am going to make a habit of bringing my every need to Him. Yes, I pray. I pray hard. Like when I am facing a serious temptation- when my heart is racing and I have to will my flesh (mouth and mind) to behave! -that kind of temptation- I plead hard. But what about the subtle little temptations that God brings to my attention that I just dismiss as -well that's just the way I am- or -just the way I've always done it- I am going to pray about those too. And when I am feeling needy, lonely, mis-understood, I don't always want to tell God, because I know he'll deal with me- I am going to pray about that. When I am praying for others, I will pray about their details. Because God is enough for them too. When I am dealing with my children, who I plead and pray for daily, I am going to pray about the "little" things too. Like- God please help me when the little girls are making me crazy trying to keep them quiet in church. And my unspoken needs will go before His throne of grace too. I know I have them because I was listening to the Scripture the other day "ask and it will be given" and I am still stuck- what should I ask? What are my needs really?
~Enough is Enough~