Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Festival of Trees with Ann's Performance

Grocery Outlet sponsored this tree.  *A* (owner) did an amazing and creative job with this.  This was for the Thursday night private dinner which, among other things, also did a "paddle auction" to raise funds for the hospital and us (The Salvation Army). 

I had a hard time picking out my favorite tree.  This one was pretty eye-catching though.

THIS was my FAVORITE tree of all, but not one of the 35 sponsored trees. 
Just a lonely little tree, stuck on a table in the corner.

A Candy themed tree!

This display was a collection site for Toys for us.  It is mostly empty here because the event was not yet open to the public.  But by Saturday, when we came back, it was getting full. 
Yay!  I desperately need more toys for the 430 children we have signed up!

While Hannah RAN in tears the other direction from the Fred Meyer bear,
Mary wanted to stay and check him out.

Elijah and Bear.

David and Bear.

Ann was a little nervous before her dance class performance.  Here she is eating her fingers.

She did so good once it got started!

There's our Hannah girl!

Thank you, Lord, for putting us in a wonderful and supportive community 
Thank you for Christmas and (BUSY!) Craziness, and Celebrations that go on and on and on.

Merry CHRISTmas!

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