I just love my digi cam!! It's always ready to capture a good moment!
chicken moon & stars and goldfish crackers.
Ann is full! She ate half a plate of mac-n-cheese!
One more shot with Mommy, pleeeeaaaase.
Paul and David were still gone, that's why you don't see them.
*The cyclist on the left was warming up and Elijah challenged him to a race to the lightpole and back. You can see Elijah running, already headed back before the cyclist made his turnaround. What a nice guy to let the 7 year old win!
At the bike races. These are the women turning the corner. They were so fast!
Another view.
Another view.
It would've been a better pic if I were quicker!! They went by before I could snap the pic.
Although we had been posing,
Ann caught this "Kodak moment" all on her own!
(You can see her pinky in the top left corner)
She drifted off to sleep...One minute she was like this...
The next minute she was like this... out cold for over half an hour.
One tired little girl after running errands, playing at the park, and helping momma at the Corps setting up for Sunday School and Church.
Of course, she'll never admit that she's tired!