Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, February 26, 2010

Update, Scrapbooking and Japanese Girl

Well, I'm so thankful to be feeling back to normal again.  I got caught up on a lot yesterday, thanks to my dear hubby who watched the kids for me while I ran 7 errands in 80 minutes, including vacuuming and washing the car.   (I was pretending to be in an Olympic sport)   We are desperately trying to squeeze so many things in before we leave for 16 days! 
I will be heading into the Corps with the girls to catch up there too. 
Then company this afternoon, then back to the grindingstone.

Here are some pics from the last couple of weeks:

We've started a new project around here and the kids are loving it.

When the Back To School Supplies were on sale last fall, I stocked up on 10 cent
spiral notebooks. 
Then I've been grabbing magazines from the free shelves at the Library.
Some glue sticks and scissors, wa-la.
Cheap, easy, fun.
The kids pull it out any time and work on them.  They'll sit there for an hour creating.  It is a God-send for sure during these winter months of being cooped up inside.  




Hannah mostly sticks to drawing "Space-Ships" (her new thing) on the cover and inside pages.

I've even started one.  I find it quite relaxing and decompressing.

I'm going to pull together the supplies to make this available to our Church Game Room children in the summer too.  I think they will enjoy it as much as we have.

A couple weeks ago when Paul flew down to El Paso, I stuck a couple of chopsticks in Ann's bun (from ballet) and she suddenly became a very serious "Japanese Girl".  Then she and Elijah and Hannah used her easy bake oven because she wanted to make a Japanese Girl dinner.  Before I knew it, we were all involved and I tried to make it special by eating at the coffee table and drinking our last bottle of sparkling cider in my most precious teacups, meant for precious people.

And then there's Mary. 
I had to strap her down in her high chair because she kept tyring to pull all the food and dishes off the coffee table and the kids were losing their patience with her.  She was content in her chair while she watched me fold laundry, visit with one of my ladies on the phone,  and co-ordinate the special Japanese Girl dinner. 

I am thankful that David still enjoys these simple things. 
I know he is getting older and I will have to step-it-up so that he can have as much fun as everyone else.  Too many boys his age just turn to the TV or video games, and believe me he tries sometimes,
but I'm not selling out.
He has an amazing mind, what child doesn't? 

Thank you, Lord, for giving us a mind that creates and imagines!

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