Front door. Our home was named after an Officer, Major George Duplain, who Administrated the San Francisco Adult Rehabilitation Center (ARC) in the 70's and pioneered the Program for Women. The residence for them is called Pinehurst.
I've done candles on the dining room table too.
Also, harvesty tablecloths on the dining room and kitchen tables. I love table linens!
Kitchen Window
These pinecombs in the baskets are fragrant. They smell sooo good, like vanilla and savory spices.
We've collected a lot of other pinecombs that I've added since this picture. At this point, my shelfs are overflowing and I told the kids please NO MORE! :)
“The beauty of the house is order.
The blessing of the house is contentment.
The glory of the house is hospitality.
The crown of the house is godliness.”
-Author Unknown