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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

There were several "pumpkin-patches" set up around the city.  We've been spoiled living in Oregon the last 10 years where we could go to an actual pumpkin patch complete with vines to trip over and everything.
I took the kids to a "pumpkin patch" in a Mall/Target parking lot because there were a ton of those air thingys to jump on.  I  bought the kids 15 minutes each to run around and play.  That was a lot of fun.  When we went to get our pumpkins, I found out they were at least $10 each, that's at least $50! 

So, we pumpkin hunted at Lucky's.  The selection was smaller, but the price was much bettter- I paid $12 for 5 pumpkins.  The kids all chose quickly (relief!) and were very satisfied.  We were cracking up that Mary kept calling the pumkins "apple" and was turning around in her seat to take bites out of them.  One other shopper said to me very nicely "excuse me, your baby is eating your pumpkins"  I just smiled and said "I know, I'll stop her when she gets to the last one"   

I love the smell of pumpkin carving. Along with the smell of homemade hot apple cider warming on the stove, our home smelt so autumn-ish and cozy.  I had my vanilla candles burning on the fireplace.  Later on though,  it smelt like vacuum and burning pumpkin seeds.

Mary was putting the guts back into the pumpkins faster than we could get them out.

By this point, I had to put the camera down, roll up my sleeves and get at it myself!
I'll post the finished results tomorrow. 
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