Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, May 16, 2011

More Meals and Updates

I know, you'd think all we ever do around here is eat. 
It feels like it sometimes. 
I think when they say "A woman's place in the kitchen" isn't some kind of sexist remark. 
It's just generally
the place that a woman always seems to be ;) 

Weekday mornings are cereal. Hot or cold.  On the weekends is hot cooked breakfast.  Here is Elijah's favorite- french toast with maple syrup and powdered sugar, and turkey bacon.

A man who's out to give his wife a break belongs in the kitchen too.  Smile.  Paul fixed breakfast the other morning so I could finish packing for Men's Camp.  I have myself a good man.  Thank you Lord!

Home-made whole wheat croutons.  Cube up some bread.  Toss with butter or olive oil (or both), garlic, maybe some parmesan cheese and other seasonings you like.  Broil for about 10 minutes.
Salad we brought over to friends house. 

Chocolate Chip cookies for the family and the ladies in our program. I try to bring treats when I lead Bible Study. I know I listen better if I have a cookie stuffed in my mouth ;)  I'm going to make brownie bites for tonight.

Always make a double or triple batch of cookie doughs.  Put it in the freezer for fresh cookies anytime.

I am looking forward to moving where the grocery prices are better.  We've really taken a hit living in San Francisco.  That plus private school.  OUCH!!

            Mary watching Daddy shave.

We went to ARC Men's Camp this weekend.  I've never seen so many tattoos in my life!  LOL!  Besides playing around, my favorite part was sitting in on a Bible Study that was encouraging and convicting.  When I see myself in the light of God's holiness, it's no wonder that God would've sent a forgiving Savior even if it was for just only me.  I need one the most. 

Next week is ARC Women's Retreat which I am looking forward too.  The women who come out of their addictions and live a fruitful and productive life are truly my heroines.   God's grace abounds in them and you can see it.  He so loves them.

We have finally met all of our SALT Volunteer hour requirements for the boys' school.  I was calling them "slave" hours towards the end!  Above are more pies I baked.    

The boys are out of school for today, so besides unpacking, catching up on chores, and preparing for Bible Study,  we have a Monoply Game to play....   until victory or death.

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