Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Gold Fever

~We'll see how this pans out."~

Paul and the boys brought home some buckets of dirt from an area that the locals pan in.  He set up our own system in the backyard, so the girls and I could be a part of it too, and so the boys could keep working on the panning skills ;) 

We never did strike it rich, but we did find a lot of phony faking Pyrite. 

Hannah found the things that were special to her: itty-bitty shells.
David was determined and focused.  Paul and the boys ended up panning about 20 gallons of dirt.

I took off my wedding ring and hid it in my pan so I could actually find something. 
Totally physched out Paul and the kids!!

A week ago I had the chance to go to the Ronald Reagan Museum.  I got to go all by myself, which is a treat unto its own!  I was so moved, taking in the powerful life of this man, finishing off with a visit to his grave.  What stood out to me the most about President Reagan was the impact that he had on the personal freedom of so many people. 
I just can't believe trading in that freedom for anything and yet we continue make choices that lead to ecomonic, social and spiritual oppression. 

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