Coffee and nursing
Breakfast, get kids dressed and ready for the day
Head to a friends, Stacie's, to pick-up a pair of soccer cleets (sp?) for Elijah
To Kramer Field for Elijah's 10am meet the coach and practice
Amidst the confusion find out that they changed his time to 11am. NOT GOOD! (I had planned all around the 10am thing) Thanks a lot soccer people! I was not the only unhappy camper.
Load kids back up, leave Kramer field and go to the bank then to the new Farmer's Market at the City Park. A very small market, we did the whole thing in 15 minutes. Picked up some green beans and the kids shared a pint of blackberries and a pint of strawberries. Hannah looked a mess!
Back to Kramer field
Left in the middle of Elijah's practice to take David to guitar lesson (thankfully our friend, Steve, could watch Elijah while I was gone)
Came back, loaded up all the kids (you other moms know what all this entails!!)
Went to Big 5 to buy Elijah soccer stuff
Went through the drive through at McDonalds to pick-up lunch for Paul who was stuck at the Corps. We ended up getting lunch too because we were still not done running around town.
Picked up David
To the Corps, had lunch with Daddy in the Fellowship Hall. I worked on a couple quick things while the kids played and loaded up the car with a few drums from the bandroom that haven't been touched in all the time we've been here, 5 years. We're using them at home for the time being because Elijah will be taking drum lessons soon when we can find a teacher we can afford.
Went to the music store on 2nd St. to get drumsticks and guitar picks and to look around at the electric guitars and other instruments.
Went to Fred Meyer to get supplies for the Bible Lesson I'm teaching at camp this week, Jesus turns the water into wine. (No, I did not buy wine. Thought about it, you know keeping it authentic and all, but settled for grape kool-aid powder and jugs of water).
Went home. Gave the kids a Push-Up Popsicles OUTSIDE, as it is always a huge-o mess-o everywhere you look-o
Worked on chores and packing while listening to our new Chouinard band, David on the guitar, Elijah on his drums, Ann singing and playing the timbrel and Hannah shaking a maraca while periodically screaming. This lasted for hours. I'm not kidding. Hours. My ears are still ringing. Thank you Lord that we have a downstairs and a garage that we will soon be moving them to.
Baths, de-briefing with Paul, chasing kids to bed
Sunday School and Church. Went good, we were missing 3 families though who went camping together so we only had about 40.
Home for lunch
Went to the Veteran's Home to do church. David played guitar for the first time and did a great job. Ann and Elijah helped sing. Hannah and Mary stayed with Daddy.
Came home. The kids went swimming with Daddy while I worked on packing and chores around the house. I turned the TV on and watched/listened to cooking shows while sipping a Diet Coke to make it all more enjoyable.
Talked with in-laws on the phone.
Made up a "kids" dinner tonight... Corn dogs, Mac-N-Cheese and Apples. Guess who loved it... that's right... the kids.