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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Women Officers- Home League Women's Ministries

We had Home League today. 

We  meet every Wednesday morning, rain or shine.  I really love our group of ladies.  We have about 8 faithful attendees, and some others that come when they can.  We sit around tables, chat it up a bit, open with a Bible Study (I've been leading one on women Jesus ministered too, in the Gospels).  Then we take a short break for snacks and things, then on to a "program" which will usually be one of our four-fold purposes: service, worship, education, and fellowship.

Typically, our ladies take turns in the preparing and leading of the program, but last week we had a cancellation so I went to plan B-   I shared a video about a family who travels around in an RV ministering to others with music. (Paul and I have a dream to travel around in the RV with the children! So naturally, I was very interested in this video!)  I got it a while ago from Franklin Springs Media.   We discussed our homes and families and I encouraged the ladies to seek out good movies that portray family and home life in a  positive way.  There are far too many television shows that portray a wimpy dad, bossy mom, and unruly children.  I also shared about Abigail who had a "surly husband" but she was a  faithful woman who sought the Lord and His way despite her terrible husband.  (And in the end she ended up with King David!!) 

This morning we prayed, took care of some business, reviewed our Projects to which we contribute too and our HL Secretary and helper did an eye-opening skit for us followed by a walk through "Our Heart, Christ's Home". 

We are really excited about a new dimension to our Women's Ministries called  Sally's Ya-Ya Sisterhood.  I am grateful that I have 2 competent and enthusiastic women who will be running this program.  I will just sit back (I hope!) and participate. Smile. 

For a long time, especially when I first became an Officer, I was to easily swayed into thinking that I should fight for my right to not be "just tied down to Women's Ministries".  I would hear of others complaining that the wives of Officer husbands in leadership were just "plugged into" a Women's Ministries position and that their skills and talents weren't being put to good use.  I was young (I still am!) and impressionable and wanted to please the loudest voices around me. 
But I've learned,
just because someone is screaming the loudest,
it doesn't mean that they know what they're talking about. 
So now, I try to tune those out and listen to the still, small, powerful whisper of God.
Home League originated in order to provide fellowship, spiritual guidance and practical skills to use in the  home.  It's intention was to build up the woman so that she could build up her home and church.  If ever women needed the Home League- it's NOW!  There are so many women who find themselves with children, husbands, boyfriends, homes, working, and various other situations, who just don't know what to do or how to do it. I mean really, we've all been there, and we're all still learning, but there are a lot of women out there that don't even know that you can cook without a microwave or a drive-thru the McDonalds.  There are women who just don't know how very impressionable children are.  There are also women who don't know how to get along with other women.   So many things....

Titus 2 tells us what we should be teaching and learning:

to love our children and husbands  (it does not always come "naturally"!),
to be reverant (deeply respectful, in awe)
not to be slanderers (that's right ladies- watch that tongue and those lyin' lips!)
or addicted to too much wine (they didn't have Meth or Crack back then, but I'm sure those type of things are included here!),
teaching what is good,
to be self-controlled
and pure,
to be busy at home (as opposed to being overly busy outside the home or being at home but being a lazy bump on the log)
to be kind,
to be subject to our husbands (GASP!)  

These are the timeless truths that every woman should know.  These things don't come naturally; they have to be learrned and practiced and developed in us by  God. 
(Naturally, the only thing I do VERY well is be a selfish-onry-twit.  Ask my mother.)

The Home League gives us the opportunity and responsibility to teach women, and learn for ourselves, how to be effective Godly women-  builders of God's kingdom, beginning with the home.

PS- Our Corps (church) also ministers to women through our Social Services, Traveling Tea, Nutrition and Craft Classes, Women's Retreat, Mother and Daughter Banqeut, Women's Ministries Annual Tea

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