Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Mary!

Happy Birthday to our sticky-sweet Mary!  One year ago the Lord added you to our family (sorry Mary ha!ha!) and we have loved every minute of it.  Mary is walking up to 12 steps at a time, but because that's not fast enough, she breaks out into a crawl to get what or who she's after.  She says: up, ma-mam, da-da-da, ea (for eat), bye-bye, and points like crazy at stuff.  She loves to "read" books and play with baby dolls, even sits and rocks them while she burps their head.  She wants to be involved in everything to try and keep up with big brothers and sisters. 

and an "anything you want" day

   all for Mary.

And a quote I've read before...
"Whoever says you can't love the fifth child as much as the first, never had a fifth."

Thank you, Lord, for Mary!
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