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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Blogstimony

I love getting into other peoples lives.  I ask lots of questions and am a very curious person about others.  So naturally, blogs are something that I really enjoy reading. I wish I had the time to read them all!!    I had kicked the idea around for a while about doing my own, but mostly just liked reading others.  I find some really inspiring, thought provoking and many of them give ideas I had never thought of before, like over at Pink Slippers where I got the great  idea to take pictures of my kids in their Halloween costumes before the big day.  WAY less stressful!!

Then..... my good friend (afirefighterswife) started her own blog, and I was reading hers too.  Stacie's blog gave depth to my friendship with her because instead of just relying on conversations and experiences together, I could see her daily life, read encouraging things, get into her head and get other great ideas, like the paper boat food trays!
She had mentioned a couple times "you should do one". But what really got me was when one day we were talking and she said "I love blogging, especially because it forces me to look at the good things in my life". From there,  I was sold! 

How true it is that blogging forces me to look at the good things in my life! 
I have also benefited from the training that my brain receives
not to divulge things that I shouldn't,
not to type anything that I wouldn't say,
and not to nurse negative/unGodly attitudes. 

I have to admit though, that I do get a little embarrassed that people actually read this!  I originally intended to share with my family and friends who are so far away and who I want to stay connected too.  I also need to confess that I have never verbally told anyone that I keep a blog. In fact, at Women's Retreat, word got around that I kept a blog and I just never thought my own ladies would be into reading about "Captain Rachel's" life.  Who knew??   I just didn't want to self-promote and look all narcissistic (I've been studying narcissism waaaaaay to much! Now I need to study obsessive-ism, ha!ha!) and I kept thinking.... I really don't have much to offer on my blog, 
but my intention is
to glorify God by being as transparent as possible
and to hopefully give some insight (and hope!)  into what it's like to be a Salvation Army Officer,  Wife and Momma. That it can be challenging and demanding, sometimes frustrating too,   but VERY, VERY, GOOD!!! and I would recommend it to anyone called by God to preach, serve and love others (I think that's all Christians isn't it??)   Praise be to God!

I really enjoy putting up pictures too.  My children love looking through my blog to scope out pictures. And I feel less stress about doing mass mailings of photos to my friends and family.  I will post... but it is your job to come to the blog and look for yourself, please and thank-you, (he!he!).

Frankly, I wish everyone I knew kept a blog!
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