I'm so glad the table doesn't stay empty for long...
Tea with friends.
Even with a move, and being perfect strangers to everyone, God is still blessing my family with friends.
Elijah has been to a couple of birthday parties and visited over at a couple of friends homes, fine Christian families.
David has spent time over at friends homes, also good Christian families.
I've visited over with some moms of the boys' friends while all our children played.
We've had a few friends come and visit too, such as the above darling girls, and a brother-sister set from the boys' school, and we even have our very own set of twin boys to play with across the street.
I've been so blessed to have 2 friends from The Dalles come and visit. Did my heart so much good! And because I've needed more overnight childcare than usual, I get to see my mom and sister-n-law often.
We're also quite excited and looking forward to vacationing with our good family friends early summer (between the two of us we have 11 children!) And yesterday, a package in the mail from another dear friend from The Dalles.
I remember there was a time in my early Officership that I thought I would just live a friendless life. Sure we had our people and staff, but it's an unfair burden to them by making them your "friends". We're not there to get our own needs met. Slowly, but surely, God has brought people into our lives that become friends, good friends, add that to my childhood-always-friends, and I feel like one very blessed lady.
Several years ago, one of my Home League ladies wrote this up on our chalkboard:
"If you want a friend, be a friend." So it takes some effort. I'm not always on top of it due to the needs of my family and ministry. But I try, I pray for them, and I thank God for the special people we call friends.