I really liked putting the tables all together this time. There was a different spirit in the air because we all sat together instead of spread out all over the room. Would you believe by the end of the night we had 25 ladies and 4 littles ones crammed around these tables. It was a wonderful evening and despite all the hard work (we also had Advisory Board that day), I'm grateful to the Lord for making this ministry so enjoyable and personally satifsying to me.
In the middle of the tables.
the longing of my heart is simplicity.
I also had the Bibles opened up to Psalm 127- "unless the Lord builds the *home* it's builders labor in vain"
I am sooo not a craft person. I just don't like that kind of stuff around my house (or the Corps),
I am sooo not a craft person. I just don't like that kind of stuff around my house (or the Corps),
so I try to come up with a functional do-able use-able craft. Read on to find out what we did....
Tea Table.
Dessert Table.
Empty table against the wall for all the goodies the ladies would be bringing.
Tea Table.
(I FORGOT to put out the real cream!
I realized that after I cleaned up. I always forget that!
I guess we'll be having cream for Sunday School)
Dessert Table.
Empty table against the wall for all the goodies the ladies would be bringing.
Everyone showed up with their best meals. It was a delicious feast for everyone.

The ladies chose their basket, grabbed some "harvesty" looking fruit, and some whole cloves. You can make any design you want out of the cloves. Some made letters, designs and such.
The ladies chose their basket, grabbed some "harvesty" looking fruit, and some whole cloves. You can make any design you want out of the cloves. Some made letters, designs and such.
It smells wonderful in your home and looks lovely on your family table. (This is also an easy "craft" to do with your children.)