Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Parade Float!

Where we live, The Dalles, does a Starlight Parade every year the day after Thanksgiving.  We have always loved watching the Parade, but have been getting a wee bit frustrated that there is rarely ever a mention of why we're celebrating "the holidays" the "seasons greetings" the "santa claus" etc. 
In fact the last two years we didn't even see a "Merry Christmas". 
So... it has been our hope all year long to be able to do a Nativity Float for the parade.
Paul headed it up.  One of our AB members lent us his trailer and warehouse.  And another gentlemen built the (huge!) stable.  The local music store lent us their sound system.  It was a LOT of work,  especially on the tail end of the Thanksgiving Dinner and in the beginning of all our Christmas activities.
All I can say now though is...
It was

Naturally, we recruited our family to work on it .
They were eager to help and be a part of it.  

Among many other things,
David and Elijah strung the lights.

Just when we were quite aware that it was serious crunch time, the carpentar, *M*, who built the stable, showed up at the last minute to help Paul drill our figures to slabs of stabilizing wood.  Thank God!  I swear God must've whispered to him to get over to the warehouse and help the Chouinards. 

Ann helped Momma hang up our banners. 
We had the local sign shop make them, saying "The First Christmas".

Hannah took sister for many walks in the warehouse and outside through the puddles too.

There's my hunk of burnin' love. (Carrying a wiseman ;)

Momma measuring and cutting.

We ran out of little kid jobs,
so the girls played in the van and pretended to pick up kettles and church kids! LOL!

Here we are! Bright and shiny faces!

Two others from the Corps (church) joined in on the 3 mile parade march.
 I was glad to have an adult on both sides of the float. 
Paul drove. 
Mary and Hannah rode in the van and waved, well Hannah did. 
Mary slept all through it (she had a busy day).
 Ann and I walked (and ran too!) along one side of the float.  Ann got pooped after halfway, so she rode in the front seat waving and shouting "Merry Christmas".
David, Elijah, *C* and *O* walked/ran on the other side. 
We gave out SA lollipops, War Crys (magazines), and Brass Band Christmas CD's.
It was such a blast!

And now, I leave you with a qoute I have loved for many years...

"Be the change you want to see."

Merry CHRISTmas!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Week

Some of our Thanksgiving Week Happenings:

Decorate the Corps (Church) for Christmas
Ann was such a big help to me this morning.  She is ready to take over! (and she's only 4).  I so enjoy having a daughter just like me;)   Hannah went to school this morning and Mary crawled underneath the pews.  I lost track of her several times, having to duck under all the pews to find her.  Anways...we bought several new decorations for the Corps since I am not into a "tacky" looking building and some of our things were getting pretty old.  I went with a goldish pallette.  I will post pics when we're all done. I am grateful for all the different areas this ministry takes me into... including decorating!

Christmas Party Invitations
Advisory Board/Staff, Women's Ministries and Church.  Three separate parties, 3 different invitations.  I have fun planning and creating.  I just hope everyone else has fun!!  I still have much prep to do for these, but got a real good start.  I am grateful that I get to celebrate Christmas over and over again!

Almost done with all of our Advent Sunday program plans and sermon outlines.  Yay Advent!  I am grateful for my church and the privelege to lead.

Several "pep talks" and "checking-in" with Staff regarding all of our Christmas services at the Corps.  We are almost done taking applications, which has been time consuming.  Lots of other miscellaneous too.  I am grateful for our awesome, get-the-job-done, good-attitude Staff and volunteers.

Trying to take very good care of my hubby who is working so very hard to keep our Community Meal going.  That is mainly his gig, while I raise the children (hee!hee!) and keep up with the Church work.  I know we'll see him again soon ;)   I am grateful for such an amazingly capable, dedicated, and hard-working partner in ministry.

Winter Gear
Yesterday I finally finished up readying our winter gear.  Now everything is washed.  Every child has boots, gloves, hats, scarves, snowsuit/pants.  I only have to buy ONE pair of snowboots this year!! (for David).  Everyone else fit an old pair.   Bring it on snow!  I am grateful that our needs are met and that we have snow to look forward too.

On Thanksgiving the kids and I will make Deviled Eggs and Ritz Crackers with Canned Cheese.  A tradition.  We will munch while we watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and then head down to eat with 1000 other people at the Community Meal.  Paul will try hard to help me with the kids, but the volunteers and the people will need him more so I'll say "Paul, we're fine, go do what you need to.  What do you think I do when you're not here?  I can manage, I promise!"  That is my usual mantra when he is "over-helping" me ;) He's so good to us.  Then I'll take the kids around to see what all is happening.  They will probably serve bread rolls, or milk cartons, or dessert or something else that won't turn into catastrophe if done wrong.   I am grateful that even though I don't get to share Thanksgiving with mine or Paul's family, God will still provide a loud, crowded and busy Thanksgiving for us that is almost like family (tee!hee!). 

When we get home we'll do another tradition which is to make a gingerbread house.  I will have to play referee to keep Hannah from eating the candy, Elijah from looking to catch someone eat the candy, David from forgetting what we're doing with the candy  (?!)  and Ann from getting hurt by the candy (she likes to get hurt).  I am already giggling.  Oh my, these kids are way to funny!  I am grateful for the uniqueness that each of our children bring to our family.

Friday I will be up and out by 5:00am to go to the Fred Meyer sock sale for my yearly stock-up.  I already scanned the store this morning for my game plan.  Paul will stay home with the kids for this venture.  I just need to make sure I'm home in time for kettles.   I am grateful for a good sale so my kids can wear socks all year long.

Later in the evening we'll be doing our Nativity Float in the parade.  We are all looking forward to it!  Especially the kids who just love being in a parade.  People are always staring at us anyway, it's like being in a parade everyday.  Smile.  I am grateful for the fun we're going to have and the pride my children (and I) feel being a Chouinard and part of The Salvation Army.

I'm hoping that on Saturday I can cook up a Thanksgiving just for us Chouinards.

This Thanksgiving I am grateful for it all!
Thank you Most High,
you've outdone anything I could've come up with.

I'll be back here in a few days.
I hope your Thanksgiving is everything you hope for!

Monday, November 23, 2009

What I've Learned These Past Couple of Weeks

The past couple of weeks I've learned...

.... when you force things to fit, they will break.  People too.

... I should never get so distracted that I forget to put the lid on the blender for my morning -berry/yogurt/ flaxseed/soymilk- smoothie.  It only takes longer to clean up a big red mess.

....when you buy a loaf of bread from the Bakery at Freddy's that they will slice it for you!

.... for every 100 things I do get done, 50 don't.

.... the reason I've been going through hairspray like crazy is because my 2yod has been using it on her barbie doll.

.... there is nothing like a good meal with comrads.

..... that I so enjoying holding hands with my hubby during church and getting preached at :)

.... my children are quite capable to pick something off of my "to do" lists and do it themselves.  (my newest wicked tactic!)

.... to quit making my "to do" lists longer than my "can" do!

.... that there is only one person who can PEE all over my husband's desk and important papers, but still get kisses and cuddles

.... that I shouldn't change Mary's diaper on Paul's desk (woopsie!)

.... the thing below the drain at the bottom of a shower is called a Pee Trap (learned that one in Home League!)

.... what Suet is and how to make pudding from it.

.... that as soon as you sweep all the leaves off your back porch, more are sure to come

... that being joyful sure feels a lot better than not

And now I'll leave you with a quote about complaining that I recently overheard one of our Advisory Board members say to another...   

"When you complain... half the people are glad it happened to you and the other half don't care."

That one just makes me laugh, because it's probably true!

Thank you, Lord, for teaching me!  I know it takes a lot of effort on your part.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Last HooRah

There have been some tough things lately, just the usual Corps Officer PRESSURES...  (AAAAA!!!)

BUT.... As always, there are plenty of great things going on like this: 

Last weekend, we did our traditional "Last HooRah".  We call it that because it's our last few days to totally be together and have some F-U-N!  (I have no pictures, the kids wore out my camera battery)

Thursday morning we all loaded up in the car to "take the boys to school"  only when we got there to drop them off, we took off instead and announced to the kids "we're going to Portland!".  They were SO SURPRISED!! (even though we do it every year?!?!)  They were so full of excitement.
David was a little suspicious this time though.

We went to the Zoo first. (We have a family membership)  It was the best time ever!  Because it was so cold and a little drizzly, hardly anyone else decided to go that day.  We really savored each exhibit and as a bonus, I was told that the kids were on the Portland news!  When we were in the new Africa exhibit, we had seen a camera and cameraman but didn't think much of it... and then a friend's mom said she saw them on the news when they were goofing off with the Lion Statues.

After the Zoo, we squeezed in a little Corps (Church)  business looking at outdoor Christmas Stars for our Float and going to the Christian bookstore to find the exact kind of Christmas Christian music that we want to play for the float.  This float has ended up being A LOT of work!

We stayed at a hotel for 2 nights, but only payed for 1 due to a free hotel stay we had earned.  Plus free breakfasts.

Friday, we did some more Corps business by going to a Resturaunt Supply Store in Downtown Portland.  We do a Community Thanksgiving Meal for almost 1000 people.  It is also a LOT of work, mostly the preparations.  So we were at the resturaunt supply store looking for some additional cookware that we just couldn't find in The Dalles.   That store was a BLAST!!!  We went through every single aisle and the kids learned so much about what it really takes to run a resturaunt (and the Community Meal!).  I found a stainless steal bowl that was so big, all 5 kids sat in it at once.   We found a whisk that was almost as big as me.  To many amazing things to list! 

Then we went to OMSI (Again, a family membership.  With a family like ours, by the time you pay admission for everyone, we might as well pay the extra ten bucks to be members and go all year.  Free fun and learning!)  OMSI was great, as always.  There was a new exhibit there called "Scream" about the science of fear.  Guess who screamed??  Yep, me.  Over and over again.  I truly didn't mean to, but I got scared several times with the "put your hand in the black box and feel a snake and spider" and the "listen real quietly for the loud sound" and the "put your head in the guillatine".

After that was Chuck E Cheese (with coupons!).  This time we went to the one in Vancouver and it is definately our new favorite.  Tons more games.  That place had it going on.

Saturday morning we went to the RV Show.  (Buy one get one free adult tickets.  Kids under 16 free) We go to one atleast once a year.  My kids know what a class C, A, and B are.   They know 5th wheels, trailers, campers, pop up, hard side, soft side, weights, lengths, and on and on.   Mostly we just drool though.

We also did lots of swimming, a secret mission to the vending machine, late night giggles and even hide and go seek in the motel room.  Very fun.

We got home with plenty of time to finish Sunday School lessons, sermon, and church prep.
We call it our last HooRah because Christmas season just takes a lot of extra busy work (and that's just when things are going good.)

Thank you Lord for allowing us such a great 2 days off in a row!!  And for sharing six incredible people with me!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Day In The Life

Up at 5:30am (this time I stayed up)  I was  also up at 12:30am and 2:00am.  Ooooh Mary.

Morning getting ready and fed routine.

Dropped of boys at school.

Went to Fred Meyers to p/u the rest of Advisory Board Lunch. (girls in tow here on out)

Finished setting up for Advisory Board at the Corps.

Quickly finished up some paperwork and some christmas stuff.

Went to Community Bible Study. 

Rushed home to change into my uniform.

Took Ann and Hannah to Brown's to play, play, play!

Mary and I back to the Corps for AB and other tasks.

Set-up, Meeting, Clean-up, quick chats with some folks.

P/U girls from Browns.  Chat (not long enough ;) with Stacie)

Drove to a single moms house to drop off leftover cake and chips from AB mtg. Quick visit.

Got pizza. Rushed home to be home before the boys.

Home- chores, computer work, stories read, baths, homework, guitar lessons, phone calls, shopping list, etc....

No hubby tonight--- waaay to much work to get done.  'Tis the season!

I'm looking forward to watching "The Office" at 9pm.  This show makes me LOL!!!  And I'm not ashamed to admit it!!! It's the only network show I watch and I love every minute!  There's just something so crazy, yet realistic about it!  

And, now that I tried to steal a moment away downstairs... all 5 of my children have made their way down here.  Elijah, who is playing the flute, brought Mary who is crawling around jabbering.  Ann is behind me on our old computer playing Dr. Suess phonics.  David is standing behind me.  He can't stand to be away from Momma for to long.  I just know it, but he'll never admit it.  Go take your bath David.  I know you're reading this over my shoulder.  Okay kids, back upstairs.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Some funny things!

Elijah tells me he's going to go see our neighbor, "the Veterinarian".  My mind is boggled and I'm like who in the world is that??  "You know mom, the one who eats vegetables" says Elijah.  I still don't get it, but feel the need to explain how wonderful it is that the Veterinarian eats their vegetables but no he can't visit because I don't know them.    "Mooooom" says Elijah "you know her! It's *N* across the street."  "OOOOH the VEGETARIAN!" I say. 

Hannah is next to me at the table enjoying her treat of M&Ms.  I'm working on stuff but I'm listening to her say "You gonna die m and m."  I look over and she is holding the M&M up, giving it the what for, and then popping it in her mouth to eat.   Every single M&M:   "You gonna die m and m". Crunch, crunch, swallow.

David is practicing his guitar and I'm dancing away.  The other kids are at it too.  David stops playing looks at me  and says... "Mom, are you wearing a bra?"  "Yes David, of course I am" I say.  Then he says "Well I think you need to wear two." 

Ann is frantically yelling at me that she needs her "Puppy Coat" as we're running out the door.  I keep telling her, "you don't have a Puppy Coat!  Now get your coat on and lets go".  Ann keeps insisting that she can't find her "Puppy Coat".  I'm telling her "you can't find it because you don't have one!"  Finally she brings me Hannah's coat and says "see Mom, Hannah has a Puppy Coat".  "OOOOH!! Honey! You mean a PUFFY Coat!!"

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

Today was a good day to teach our children about service and sacrifice. 
Many, many men and women have given of themselves for our great country, not to mention their families.  My dad served, both of my grandpas served, my aunt and uncle served.  Thank you, thank you!
I am so thankful and I want my children to GET IT and be thankful to our service men and women also.  Who knows, maybe one day they will enlist. 
I would be a proud Mama to see my children grow into a livelihood that is beyond themselves.

After Home League, we all lined up in front of the Corps building to watch our Veteran's Day parade. 
David and Elijah made signs that said "THANK YOU" and "WELCOME HOME".
Hannah and Ann decorated them. 
We all had little flags to wave, including Mary.  
A couple of our church ladies and a few of our staff also joined in to watch the parade. 
I love when we all do things together.

I am reading an excellent book right now "To Try Men's Souls: A Novel of George Washington and the Fight for American Freedom" by Newt Gingrich, William R. Forstchen, and Albert S. Hanser.  I checked it out from the library.  I am loving it because it tells the story.... not just a bunch of facts that my head can't keep straight... tell me a story and it sticks for good.  Anyways, when I meet these guys up in heaven, I will be thanking them for paving the way for my own freedom.  Talk about BRAVE men and women. 

I won the lottery being born an American.

Thank you, Lord.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

More Books....

  These are our bookcases. 
The kids also have books in their rooms, probably about 100 between the two rooms.  They have many of the books that I read as a child plus additional ones they've been given or bought over the years. 
I also have bookcases in my office with maybe about 75 more.  
And oh ya, there's my nightstand with about 15 more.
We also have a set of Encylopedias that Paul used when he was a kid.  Now we use them often to look up any question that comes up at the dinner table.  We also keep a 18inch thick dictionary by the dinner table, courtesy of Paul's late grandmother.
And a set of Jacques Cousteau Ocean World Encyclopedias.
Us Chouinards have a lot of books. 
Many of them have to do with our ministry studies so I don't feel so bad about our collection, after all, they're for Jesus! Smile!
I am always lending them out or just plain giving away the ones that I'm done with so I feel like I get a lot of use out of them.   I will usually do a big purge about twice a year.  I'm needing to do another soon.
We also use our library, probably at least twice a month but we keep those books in one special spot so that they do not get mixed up or "lost".

     I have been working on a list of "required reading" for my children, either to read on their own or my reading to them.  My hope is that they read them before they move out, but with my list growing and growing over the years, they may not get to finish until their early adulthood! And by then I may only be able to "suggest"!     The Books that mean the most to me are those that have somehow stuck in my head even years after reading them.
Ones that have "struck a chord" in either my imagination, faith or understanding.   
Below are  4  more that I've been thinking of a lot lately.  I recently bought used copies of the two I don't already have because I want my children to read them and would rather save the 5 or more trips to the library I'll need to take when it comes their time to read them! 

"Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc" by Mark Twain
Mark Twain had an amazing way of telling this story that we've all heard time and time again.  The writing style is unique and truly a piece of art!  Joan of Arc is a lesson of endurance, steadfastness, faith and ultimately, martyrdom.  She is a hero for anyone, and I especially look forward to reading this book to my little girls.

"Angela's Ashes: A Memoir" by Frank McCourt
I had seen the movie several years ago, but then my Dad gave me this book and said "read this".  I read anything my dad says too. He is always right-on.   I still cry when I think about this book.  As I was reading it a few years ago, I told my children a lot of the stories so that they would get what it really is to be dirt poor.  Especialy when they complained about dinner.  This book is full of lessons about poverty, desperation, family, addiction, depravity and much more!  There are still a lot of ""adult" only situations in this  book, so I would recommend it only for 16/17+.   

"Tuck Everlasting" by Natalie Babbitt
I read this book in 7th grade and loved every minute of it.  This is quite an imagination book and is good for any age although I think older kids follow it easier.  It is full of wonderment and adventure! 

"Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand
I need to be upfront here and tell you that I found this book very difficult to "warm up" too.  I didn't really get into it until about page 100 or so, but  after that.... I was hooked!  This book is thought provoking to say the least.  I think this should be required reading for every highschooler, maybe then there would be more common sense in our government and collective public thinking!  Even though this book is not "Christian" and niether is the author who was a self proclaimed atheist (I'm sure she's not anymore, poor thing), reading it reinforced my own understanding of personal responsibility given and expected by God.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Random Pics...

In the Fellowship Hall. 

I find pictures like these on my camera ALL the time!

Below, you will see Elijah "easy baking" with Hannah.

Something got stuck here.

Off we go!

My curly haired girls.

Momma holding her baby boy.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Last Sunday was our United Divine Service Sunday.  It is our Youth Sunday when the Troops get awarded all their badges, sing special music, recite their pledges, and do the entire church service.   We had over 25 youth participate.  I had lots of pictures of them, but should only share my own children....

Only when I downloaded this picture did I realize...
Hannah has no shoes on! 
here are Hannah and Ann among the other Moonbeams
singing the Call ToWorship, "This Little Light of Mine".

David gave the first part of the Sermon. 
Three other faithful children followed him.
They all did so well and I could tell they really practiced,
including our Scripture Reader,  *A*!

Elijah did the Welcome and Announcements. 

It was SO funny...  background:  afterwards the church all met up at Spooky's afterward, a tradition for the first Sunday in November.  On the Bulletin, I put "no-host" lunch big and bold.  Elijah must've overheard me talking to Paul about my strict policy of... you pay for yourself at Spooky's or don't go... because we've had problems with "confustion" on this in the past.  I had wanted to be real clear on this with our people, but NICELY so I called it "NO-HOST".

So anyways... Elijah, my Mister blunt-untactful-speak-your-mind child who is STILL in the process of learning appropriateness... is giving the announcements, tells the congregation excitedly about lunch at Spooky's after church.  Then he stops dead, stares down the congregation and firmly says  "BRING  YOUR OWN MONEY AND PAY FOR YOURSELF!"     Oh my goodness!  gasp and gulp!  Thankfully, all I heard from our people was giggling!  Thank God! 
Now, it's just plain FUNNY!  And yes, for all the hyper-parents out there.....  I did have a talk with Elijah about this especially because as diligent as Paul and I are to either not speak about Corps(church)  issues or just speak real vaguely, he still needs to have some judgement about what gets repeated and what doesn't!

All in all, it was a great Sunday.  Great Church Service, Fun and great Fellowship at Spooky's (have I mentioned what a great church body we have?!?), we went to Elijah's last soccer game,  and then the kids and I watched a documentary on the underground, persecuted church in Vietnam.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Now THAT's alot of children!!

Click HERE  to see some good pics from the other day on my friend Stacie's blog.
She did such a great job capturing the moment!
I didn't even know she tooks pics of messy caramel faces, I must've been busy with my jabberjaws ;). 
We always have a wonderful time together. 
Like I say, when we're with the Brown's, there is always someone for everyone. 
Together, we have 11 children under the age of 11. 
They always do so well with each other. 
Us grown-ups behave ourselves too!

Our Halloween

Hannah -   Ballerina Princess

Mary-  Duck
This costume is tradition. 
Each one of our babies has worn this costume on their first Halloween. 
It still quacks when you squeeze the tummy.
Two years ago when Hannah wore it,
she was photographed in Daddy's arms
during the downtown trick-or-treat
and put on the front page of the newspaper. 

Ann-  Bride

Me-  What happens when you eat to much candy Lady

Paul-  Invisible Man

Elijah-  Jawa

David-  X Wing Fighter Pilot

It was VERY windy on Halloween. 
We had a terrible time keeping the pumpkins lit, so we finally just gave up.
I'm still wondering how we ended up with 10 pumpkins when there are only 7 of us?.

We've done this everywhere we live.  We both like to take the kids out trick-or-treating so we leave a big bowl of candy with a sign to take 2.  It always works out so well! 
Then when we get home, the kids rush to the door every time a trick-or-treater comes. 
They LOVE to pass out candy! 
(It was really hard this year for me, not hearing Buster go crazy
over the door bell every 10 minutes. 
He is still so missed.)

We trick-or-treated the day before Halloween in our downtown area too.
Our first stop is always the Corps and Thrift Store so the kids can "show-off"
their costumes to their second family... staff and church folks.
Paul and I love going around downtown because its like a great big costume party!
We just love looking at all the different costumes!
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