*Paul bringing me flowers.
*Hearing 140 people SING to the Lord!
*My neice and the children cozied up in the living room watching an old Godzilla.
*Hannah's big, bright smile all through Godzilla.
*Elijah cheering me up when he sees me cry.
*Ann making paper hearts, one for Mommy and one for Daddy.
*Encouraging and understanding words from comrads during a tough spot.
*Popcorn all over the front lawn and 5 faces pressed against the window watching the birds eat it all.
*Mary's naked, chubby butt running down the hallway towards her bath.
*The genorostiy of my sis-n-law and neice caring for our children with love, order and tons of fun.
*Trust in the Lord growing so BIG that there is hardly room for anything else at all.
What is most good?... the One who created good.