Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tea Party


Life is not perfect, but it is so precious! 

I have missed posting memories these last few months,
so I will be doing some retroactive posts. 
It is such a good feeling to read back through my blog with a child or two (or more) and reminisce, much like looking at a photo album, only better :)   

We had a Tea Party for dinner one evening during our furlough.  I have to prepare dinner anyway, so it's not that much extra effort set it out on the fancy dishes and linens.  Paul was hungry later so it will have to be more hearty next time, but he was a good sport.  He had to leave early to visit a church that is hosting one of our Donation Trailers.  It was an Assemblies of God one, so I told him "Say Hi to the Holy Spirit for me"  Hee!Hee! Wink.Wink. 

"Pinkies up"
and "no slurping" gang.

We had entertainment too.  Elijah was the man ballet dancer and gave all his sisters a good spin.

The girls re-sang the songs from our Corps Christmas play.  If only they had sung that good DURING the play.

My heart is still full from our blessed Chapel last night; 2 Men getting their 6 year Sobriety Chip, 3 Men Completing/Graduating the Program.  Birthday night, fellowship with all.  Wow, what an awesome privelege to be here. It's hard to just accept God's grace.  Be banished pride/ego/self-reliance!  Like I like to say in my best British accent "off with your head!"

It's Thursday, so I'm already far behind in my chores after being gone the last two Fridays (my catch all days) I will be working like a mad woman, but the sun is coming out so maybe I will take the girls to the park after Ann's dentist appointment and just "LOOKeth well unto the ways of my household" and not do anything about it ;)   

Elijah just jumped out of the pantry and scared Mary.

Be blessed and love Jesus today.


Betsy Hart said...

I love it! What a fun idea!!

PS Love the family picture there on the right =) Totally adorable!

Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

Jacob says he wants to "Marry Mary, because she is very funny".

there is hope that we might be related yet!


Major Arvilla said...

It is good to hear (read) your blog. Can't believe how big the kids are getting.

Keep taking time out for family time....no apologies....you're making precious memories for your children.

Major Arvilla said...

It is good to hear (read) your blog. Can't believe how big the kids are getting.

Keep taking time out for family time....no apologies....you're making precious memories for your children.

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