Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Our Household Chore Chart

I just updated our chore chart (dinner helpers had to be switched around due to David's B-Ball schedule) and thought this would be a curious thing to see. I'm always reading others' when I visit their home to see how they do it and gleaning ideas that would work for us. Here is the Chouinard one. Basically the same over the last couple of years, but with adding capable children. (Mine is layed out and color coded, but the cut and paste didn't follow through with that.) I do the stuff that is not specifically assigned to a kid (deep cleans, kitchen, etc.) When I keep up and don't fall behind, then I don't have to spend hours every day "cleaning". Also for me, the biggest things to keep up on are MEALS and LAUNDRY. Life can't go on without those, so those are two things I always (try to!) stay ahead on, though not always as successfully as I want! Our goal is a loving and happy home first, but it is also important to us to keep it clean, organized and efficient!

Sunday -Everyday chores only

Deep clean-mom/dad’s room and bathroom
Elijah- bathroom
David- glass tables and patio door
Ann- wipe down kitchen cupboards
David -help cook dinner

Deep clean-downstairs and bathroom
David- vacuum living room, hallway
Elijah- vacuum dining room
Ann-help cook dinner

Wednesday -Everyday chores only

Deep clean-living room and dining room
Plan weekly menu/ make grocery list
David- bathroom
Elijah- glass tables and patio door
Hannah-help cook dinner

Deep clean- kitchen and mopping of all floors
Grocery shopping
David- vacuum dining room
Elijah- vacuum living room, dining room
Ann- sweep foyer
Elijah -help cook dinner

Elijah and David- Bathroom Ann-Bathtub

Whatever is asked of you
Everyone make your own bed, put books away
Homework and Reading
General tidying up
Meals, Dishes and Cleaned Kitchen
David, Elijah, Ann, Hannah
Put away all toys and clean up bedrooms before dinner, vacuum when needed
Ann & Hannah feed Buster
David, Elijah, Ann, Hannah -clear the table after meals

Wash beds
Deep Clean refrigerator
David, Elijah, Ann, Hannah- Clean walls

Allowances -.25 penalty and/or loss of entertainment privileges
For arguing, complaining or a half-hearted job
David 3.00 Elijah 2.50 Ann 1.25 Hannah .50

This is our standard, something we aim for and keeps a routine. It is definately not adhered to every single waking day, life happens, but we are about an 8 out of 10 with keeping these disciplines. We are better off aiming for something than not aiming at all! That's what goals/standards are all about.

Also, we try to be generous with the allowances (they are not "payments") so that they have money to work with in regards to giving, begging for stuff, and saving up.

Overall the kids do great at helping out. We tease about how grateful they should be for each other, if we only had one kid, he'd be stuck doing all this on his own! I estimate that they spend about 20 minutes a day doing chores, plus some extra for cleaning up after themselves. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me!!
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