Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, May 16, 2011

More Meals and Updates

I know, you'd think all we ever do around here is eat. 
It feels like it sometimes. 
I think when they say "A woman's place in the kitchen" isn't some kind of sexist remark. 
It's just generally
the place that a woman always seems to be ;) 

Weekday mornings are cereal. Hot or cold.  On the weekends is hot cooked breakfast.  Here is Elijah's favorite- french toast with maple syrup and powdered sugar, and turkey bacon.

A man who's out to give his wife a break belongs in the kitchen too.  Smile.  Paul fixed breakfast the other morning so I could finish packing for Men's Camp.  I have myself a good man.  Thank you Lord!

Home-made whole wheat croutons.  Cube up some bread.  Toss with butter or olive oil (or both), garlic, maybe some parmesan cheese and other seasonings you like.  Broil for about 10 minutes.
Salad we brought over to friends house. 

Chocolate Chip cookies for the family and the ladies in our program. I try to bring treats when I lead Bible Study. I know I listen better if I have a cookie stuffed in my mouth ;)  I'm going to make brownie bites for tonight.

Always make a double or triple batch of cookie doughs.  Put it in the freezer for fresh cookies anytime.

I am looking forward to moving where the grocery prices are better.  We've really taken a hit living in San Francisco.  That plus private school.  OUCH!!

            Mary watching Daddy shave.

We went to ARC Men's Camp this weekend.  I've never seen so many tattoos in my life!  LOL!  Besides playing around, my favorite part was sitting in on a Bible Study that was encouraging and convicting.  When I see myself in the light of God's holiness, it's no wonder that God would've sent a forgiving Savior even if it was for just only me.  I need one the most. 

Next week is ARC Women's Retreat which I am looking forward too.  The women who come out of their addictions and live a fruitful and productive life are truly my heroines.   God's grace abounds in them and you can see it.  He so loves them.

We have finally met all of our SALT Volunteer hour requirements for the boys' school.  I was calling them "slave" hours towards the end!  Above are more pies I baked.    

The boys are out of school for today, so besides unpacking, catching up on chores, and preparing for Bible Study,  we have a Monoply Game to play....   until victory or death.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Momma's Day


“We are made for larger ends than Earth can encompass. Oh, let us be true to our exalted destiny.”
-Catherine Booth

(Why won't my Hannah smile in pictures???)

Breakfast at the Center
Chapel Service
Handed out flowers

Lunch out at Red Robin

Played another game of "hot" and "cold" for my gift of an outdoor Peacock

Went for a 45min run/walk

Laundry, Dishes, some pre-packing purging

                                                        (Elijah made me a picture frame)

Played out side with the kids, bike riding, ripsticking, and playing with/observing a couple of dead moles

Watched "Narnia:Voyage of the Dawn Treader"

                (Ann made me a picture with puffy paints)

Walked back to the Redbox with Ann to return the movie

Got things ready for school the next day

(David made me a cake!)
Practiced singing a song with David playing guitar.  We're getting to be quite the duet ;)

Called my Momma
Tucked kids into bed
Watched Extreme Makeover Home Edition.  Balled my eyes out.
Read more of my book "Addiction and Grace" by Gerald G. May, M.D.
Fell asleep.

Did you know God has a mother's heart? 
And that God guides those who are caring for young people?
"He tends His flock like shepherd.
He gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his heart;
he gently leads those that have young"
Isaiah 40:11

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Some Typical Meals

I so enjoy my coffee time in the morning.  I'm doing it right now ;)

I've been doing smoothie's for my weekday breakfasts for about 10 years now.  I know that because I started when I was pregnant with Elijah and wanted to get in all my servings of plants.  The base is soymilk, nonfat yogurt, mixed berries and ground flaxseed.  Then I stuff as many fruits and vegetables in as I can.  Tons of spinach, bean sprouts, asparagus, kale, whatever I have.  Finish it with half a banana for sweetness.

Always in my big green cup so I can drink it on the go.

The boys's bring a lunch everyday, except Fridays when they can buy.  On the left is David's:  pita bread and hummus, juicy box, green apples and a go-gurt. On the right Elijah's: ham sandwich, apples, juicy box,  go-gurt.  I usually will pop in an extra treat, like a home-made cookie, or hershey's kiss. 

Meat Dip is a favorite in our home!  My good friend gave me the recipe a few years ago and I think I make it at least once a month. 
1st layer-- 1/3 cooked and seasoned ground beef mixed with 2/3 black beans.  2nd layer-- package of cream cheese, half a container of light sour cream, big jar of thick-n-chunky salsa, all mixed together. 3rd layer shredded cheddar cheese.  Bake at 375 for 30 minutes.  Serve with tortilla chips (you can get a huge organic bag at CostCo for about $5)  It's a fun meal to it and so yummy.  Here I served it with a side of peaches and strawberries. 

Oatmeal Fruit Bars for dessert.

I rarely cook a whole meal from start to finish in one time slot.  Having a meal plan, even just 2 or 3 days out allows me to put even just 15 minutes to good use.  In 15 minutes I can get all sorts of chopping done, or mix together some ingredients, or cook up ground beef, rinse and start soaking beans.  Soak beans overnight or simmer ham or chicken bones overnight and voila- I am working in my sleep!!

Just the other day I had a small block of time and in 20 minutes I chopped up the rest of our Easter Ham, threw it in a freezer bag, then added a large chopped up onion, and some shredded carrots.  Put the bag in the freezer.  Tonight I will start a chicken carcass (from my Cost-Co rotisserie chicken that we had with rice and seaweed last night)  simmering on the stove for broth which I will freeze.  Then, on a busy day... all I have to do is put my broth, ham mixture, and dried split peas in the Crockpot and come dinner time, it's ready to go.  You'd think I'd have slaved all day over such a delicious pot of soup, but nope :)

It is so important to me to nourish myself and my family as well as I can.  It saves money, keeps me focused on my family, trains the children to have a taste for home-cooked meals (as opposed to fast "food") and keeps us healthier in the long run.  It can be done! Glean ideas that  will work for you and your family, think creatively, and never waste a spare minute ;) ;) ;)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Where God Sets Us


 "God sets the lonely in families"
                                                                 Psalm 68:6a

Our impending move is hanging over our heads.  We're all excited to see where the Lord will have us this summer.  God has been so faithful to us in San Francisco, that seriously, I have little worries about our next home and appointment.  We do feel the weight of our new ministry, but everytime things have seemed impossible, God has amazingly made them possible.  He wants us exactly where we are.  I'm proudly all done kicking and screaming ;) and looking forward to this new journey in the ARC family.  It's not how I expected things to go, but God does far more than we ask or imagine!!  Just look at the family He's set me in...

Reading "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein.  I cry everytime I read this!  The kids have it practically memorized, but I still insist on reading it often.  Such a spiritual lesson here.

David working on his 3 dimensional light-up Israel map for school.  He wired it all and everything.  I just helped with the handwriting :)  He did such a great job! 

                               Hair curlers!

     Papa Bear reading to the wee bears.

Show and tell.  Hannah also made a "map" like her big brother.

David show and telling his little bro- "Lil' E"

I came home from the Center one day to see that Daddy-O had bought a whole new bin of legos for the girls while they were out store inspecting.  Wow, we have TONS of legos. I'm guessing five tubs when we move this time.

But it keeps them occupied.  The kids will literally spend hours building together. Robots, towers, machines, castles, gardens, houses, RVs, theme parks, fortresses, or the soccer game above. 

Mary likes to watch the TV all spread out.

Dinner time.  Come and get it!  I treated myself to a Triangle Bell for our new home.  It makes sense to me to use instead of having to take so long to round everyone up from the ends of the earth for dinner.

And here is some food for thought I'll leave with 
I felt so encouraged in my convictions and still exhorted to do better myself after reading this.

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