Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, August 17, 2009

Summer Reading

I've only gotten through 4 books this summer. I am just not finding the time to read! But here is what I've read:
  • "The Mommy Survival Guide" by Barbara Curtis. This was a GREAT book!! Easy reading and just a good perspective on mothering. The author has 12 children, 6 of whom she's still raising, and she has good common sense, not a bunch of "methods" to turn out perfect children (as if that were possibe!) I learned about this book in The Salvation Army's War Cry magazine which features books on the first page.
  • "Womanly Dominion: More than a gentle and quiet spirit" by Mark Chanksi. I finally found a book that makes me feel okay about my personality to take charge and run a tight ship! Before this book, I would kind of lay low about just how I manage my family and ministry, because I've been told (mostly when I was a kid) that I can be "bossy" and I certainly don't want to be percieved that way. (My "bossiness" is more refined now! (ha!ha!) But you know what... God told Adam and Eve to take dominion over the earth. To rule the earth and subdue it. That's exactly what this book is about, except in very specific areas. I would highly recommend this book, however, due to my Wesleyian background, there are a few areas I disagree with, but not enough to throw out the baby with the bathwater. The most important thing I took away from this book is that as women, we must be pro-actively engaged in living out our life for the Lord, not just weenie-victims-of-circumstances. I will definately be reading this book again.
  • "The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the age of entitlement" by Jean M. Twenge, PhD and W. Keith Campbell, PhD. I have loved this book, also an easy read. I could feel my blood pressure rising just skimming the pages. The authors hit the nail on the head with their examples of and explanations of the "me, me, me" world we live in. This is not a "Christian" book, but there is definately a message here. When I read this book "deny thyself, take up the cross, and follow me" kept ringing through my brain. I am also implementing my new knowledge into my parenting to minimize this culture taking hold of my children's hearts. P.S. Is blogging narcissistic????
  • "The Culture of Narcissism" by Christopher Lasch. I found out about this book through my Christianity Today magazine. Originally written in the 70's, this book gives warning of what happens to society through narcissistic motives, beginning with the "self-awareness" movement. This book was a hard read, referring to a lot of psychological terms, but so worth the effort and very enlightening to why things are the way they are in America. This is also not a "Christian" book, but it totally spoke to me that only God makes one Holy, and constantly being on the prowl for the next "self-improvement", "holier than thou", "another rule (law) to live by" is actually narcissism disguised as spiritual formation because it leaves out God's grace and power to make us holy. A fine line indeed!
  • "Female Teaching" by Catherine Booth. I have re-read this only to give a better answer for my faith and to gain better Scriptural insight as to the whole women preaching thing. It is not enough to just say "I am called" (well, it's enough for me, I had the experience!). I want to be able to answer intelligently when some would rather not have the gospel preached than to put a woman at the pulpit. God is not a respector of persons. Enough said (well, wrote). Not trying to start anything here ;)
  • "The Treasure Within Your Child" by Pam Farrel. I got this book a few years ago when the author spoke at our women's retreat. I skimmed through it before and shelved it, finding it again a week ago. I'm almost done reading it now. I am liking this book especially because it reminds me that my children are different from eachother. I would never want to lump them all together, although I can at times. They are each unique in their personalities and temperments and that's OKAY!! For example, I've NEVER had a 2 year old quite like Hannah. She has for sure broke the Chouinard mold. She is still not completely potty trained, even though all my other kids were entirely potty trained by 2 years 2 months. (I think she has a short fuse between her bladder and brain, she keeps peeing on the floor in the bathroom). And Ann- she is a total chatter box. She has always needed a little more attention than anyone else. She is clingy too. BUT Ann is super smart, extremely helpful and has an amazing mothering/nuturing/instinct. I could go on and on... but don't want to embarrass my kids or "brag" about how wonderful they are (ha!ha!) There are some real precious jewels in everyone!
So anywhoooo, those are some great reads that I've enjoyed. I have also been studying Hebrews this summer. What have you been reading???
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