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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Monkey Munch

Hannah shaking the Monkey Munch.
I got this recipe a few years ago from a "John and Kate plus 8" episode (something good did come from this show..... a great recipe!) We like this for a snack/dessert in our home. It's easy to make, has some nutrition (WW Chex Cereal and Pnt. Butter), and the kids have fun making it.
9 Cups Whole Wheat Chex Cereal
1 Cup Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
1/2 Cup Natural Peanut Buter
1/4 Cup Butter
1Tsp. Vanilla
1 1/2 Cups Powdered Sugar
1. Put Chex in large bowl and put aside
2. Place Chocolate Chips, Peanut Butter and Butter into a quart-sized microwaveable bowl, stir together.
3. Microwave the mixture uncovered for a minute on high. Sitr the mix again and continue to zap in thirty second intervals until it mixes smoothly.
(You can also do this on stovetop)
4. Add the Vanilla and stir.
5. Pour over the cereal while stirring.
6. Put combination into a 2-Gallon Ziplock freezer back. (I still can't find a 2 Gallon bag, so I alway just put half the batch in a Gallon zippie at a time. It gives more for the kids to shake anyway.)
7. Add the powdered sugar, (HALF if you're doing a half batch in a Gallon bag twice). Seal the bag and shake until distributed.
8. Spread Monkey Munch out on wax paper to cool.
9. Keep refridgerated in airtight container.
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