Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Good and Bad of Mother's Day/ WM Sunday

Yesterday was a good and bad day. The bad part of the day actually started on Friday night when two things happened...

ONE- I got Mastitis, an infected clogged milk duct in my right boob. Mary didn't feed so well on Thursday night, she was tired and kept falling asleep after a few suckles, which left me engorged. Then I put on a bra that was too tight because of the engorgement. And by lunchtime, at the Corps (because we were waiting to see if we got moved!) I was not feeling so well. Just suddenly feeling achy and chills. So what did I do?? We took the 3 girls to McDonalds. (I LOVE the Southwest Grilled Chicken Salad. I could eat it everyday.) I hadn't told Paul yet or he would've sent me home. Then at the end of lunch I was getting shooting pains in my boob. BAD! So I went home and packed up on the couch (well the best I can with 5 kids who need me!) My boob was swollen and hot red. I kept nursing and nursing. I've had a plugged duct before, but nursing cured it within a day. Saturday I woke up. Big fever and a LOT of PAIN!! So I called the Dr. and he put me on antibiotics right away. By Sunday morning my fever was gone. Today, I am still in some pain and nursing like crazy. Mary is in heaven. I am not.

TWO- My precious digital camera seems to be broken!!! I am SO bummed!! Even more than the mastitis (ha!ha!) I wanted to take pictures of all my Mother's Day delights to keep forever. Paul is taking a look at it. We might have to take it to a repair shop ($$).

The GOOD!! - We had a fantastic Women's Ministries Sunday. One lady shared her testimony, another sang a solo. 4 ladies helped me do the sermon about the Seasons of our lives. One did the Call to Worship and another the Benediction. We had over 50 people there and were still missing a few of our regulars. I did a special thank you/ recognition of the Women and Mothers. I shared the Scripture from Mark 14 when the woman anointed Jesus with perfume. Then some of those present were agitated that she had done this. But Jesus stuck up for her and said "she had done a beautiful thing" and that "she did what she could". I just LOVE this Scripture because Jesus is speaking about this woman's precious ministry to Him doing what she could. And wherever we are in life, whatever "Season" we're in, whatever God has given us, as women, we do what we can for Jesus! And it is a beautiful thing to Him! I gave each woman a small bottle of perfume with this quote on it "Ministry isn't something we pursue. Ministry happens in our footsteps as we pursue after Christ."

How my family blessed me for Mother's Day: Paul gave me a dozen pink roses, a special card and my favorite pepperidge farm cookies. I also treated myself (why not!) to a 3 DVD set from Franklin Springs Media- "Homestead Blessings" on Soapmaking, Candlemaking and Breadmaking. I had been eyeing it for a while and when it went on sale for Mother's Day- I nabbed it. David made me a card and wrote a beautiful but funny letter to me. Elijah made me a very nice gift bag and inside it was a framed shadow picture of his profile on which he wrote "I love you Mom" on it. Ann made me a card complete with glued on hairclips, ribbons and glitter. One of her brothers wrote on it for her exactly what she wanted "I love you, you're the best mom, from Ann". Hannah made be a giant flower out of construction paper with her cute little picture in the middle of it. Mary made me about 8 poops in her tiny diaper.

I hope all the other Moms out there had a great Mother's Day. Being a Mom may not be the only thing you do, but it is the most important!! Keep your head up, your heart soft, your mind sharp, and a big smile on your face (whether you feel like it or not! ha!ha!)

Got some office work done this morning (Sunday Bulletin, Mother Daughter Banquet programs, Sr. Soldier uniform orders, and other "not worth mentioning" stuff). Some serious counseling with 2 different people that ate up my time. (Their Mothers Day- not so good) Took Ann to Ballet lesson. Sat on the Ballet couch and read books to Hannah while- you guessed it- nursing Mary and trying to give thumbs up to Ann when she passed by. If only I had ONE MORE ARM! Now I'm spending the afternoon "resting" for my mastitis while I do laundry and keep the kids occupied.

Dinner tonight: Leftover Turkey Dinner from Saturday, and Leftover Pizza from Friday night. Along with a salad and fresh pears.

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