Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Family Bible Camp

We went to Family Bible Camp this past week. It was a great time for us all. God, Family, Friends... what more do you need?? Our family stayed in a cabin all to ourselves. Yes, we take up that much room. We brought 5 other campers from church with us who were able to be in the cabin next to us. In the morning was workshops (I helped in the Kidzone), afternoon was freetime and the evening was a meeting filled with good, Biblical preaching on Holiness. I felt like I was on vacation! It was so nice- five days of having all my meals prepared for me, no laundry, no cleaning, and no Corps work, other than the people we brought with us. I wish I would've taken more pictures, but I was too busy having fun!

Every morning we did a Chouinard cuddle time in my bottom bunk.
The empty space you see was my spot.

This is David rehearsing for the praise band. He played every single night (5 nights). At one time there were about 6 guitars up there going, plus the drums and the piano. David did awesome. He played and practiced so hard that he split two fingers open. Slapped on a couple bandaids and kept playing. At the end, a couple of the Officers gave David over 40 sheets of music to play at our Corps.

Hannah DANCED every night to the music that lasted over 1/2 an hour.

Ann wiped out walking back from the pool. Here we are treating her wounds.

Elijah took this pic of me kissing on my baby girl.
She was so spoiled at camp. So many people held her and loved on her, especially during mealtimes, so I could eat and handle the other children.

One afternoon, we spent a few hours up on the playground with a couple of Corps people. We had a blast. We put the baby down the slide, played hide-n-go-seek
and I even did the monkey bars. I wish I was a kid again.

Elijah on the monkey bars. Suits him well.

David on the monkey bars.

Rough-n-tough Hannah on a chain ladder. She climbed that thing over 30 times
(I lost count after that.)

I was so blessed this week. It was truly refreshing to me in every way.
I love being with other Salvationists. It encourages me so much.
I am so proud to be a Salvationist!
The Salvation Army is the BIGGEST Army in the World, with over one million Soldiers. (Not including our staff, volunteers, adherents, Officers.)
Thank you Lord!

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