Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday and more.

This may be a long post, but bear with me, I don't plan to post this weekend so this is it.

Fridays are pretty much designated errand day.  Typically, I try to be home for lunch, but we had another full day.      Here's what we did today.... 

To the Corps (church) so I could get a few things done in my office.  The girls and I also checked on Sally, our new Sunbeam and Moonbeam hamster.  We couldn't play with her much though.   It is advised that we let her settle in for 7 days, and it's only been 3. :(

To the Jewelers so that I could get my wedding ring repaired that I messed up REAL bad during the Christmas season.  I was carry a bunch of boxes and rammed my hand into a door.  The prongs had wood all stuck in them and everything.   The girls LOOOOVED oogling and googling over all the jewelery (me too!).  Hannah kept swinging the counter doors, even after she was told to stop twice, so she ended up with her nose against the counter.  (I don't care where we are- home or out and about-
swift punishments come and then it's done and over with-  and on with a happy day)  My kids have had their noses all over The Dalles.

Then to the bank

and Dry Cleaners. 

Then to Staples for some Corps Office supply shopping.  Hannah accidently grabbed an old woman's rear end.  She thought it was me.  Thankfully the lady laughed and made nice with Hannah once Hannah realized what she'd done.  Ann helped pick out the paper for our VBS flyers and put her opinion in on what sort of pens I should be buying our staff  and corrected me on what rubberbands we should be using to tie the shoes in the Thrift Store together with and on and on.       She will make a fine Salvation Army Officer. Smile.

Then  to McDonalds (a rare treat! $$)  because we still weren't done with our errands.  Some play time too.  Mary really got into the mirrors.

Then to David and Elijah's school for their cultural assembly.  David's class has been studying the Polynesian/Hawaiin culture.  Quite cool because both Paul and I have been to Hawaii and I've been to Marshall Islands.  Elijah's class has been studying..... ISRAEL!!  Waaay cool because that's where Paul and I are headed soon.  Elijah is learning some Hebrew and everything.   The assembly was a blast, like always.  It's free entertainment for the girls and another avenue for me to be involved in.  All of the students learned special dances to perform.   There was a bag-piper from Ireland.  Ann was impressed that he was wearing a "dress" (kilt).  I was impressed that yet again, I am hearing Christian songs like Amazing Grace, How Great Thou Art, etc.  (At Christmas we did a school wide Carol sing and 75% of the songs were church christmas hymns).  I don't know where some people get "there is no God in public schools, government, society, etc."  I always thought God was everywhere...

Then we had a bit of time to kill before picking up the boys from school, so we went to the Corps, just down the hill, for a little while longer.

We picked up the boys from school so that we could take a trip to the Dollar Store.  While at the dollar store you won't even believe what happened!  I ran into a friend, who I quite respect,  and whilst I'm saying my hello and howdy-do, I look over and see my 2 little girls running down an aisle with armfuls of helium balloons.  Just as I tell my friend a quick good-bye to get to the girls, the female manager comes over the intercom in the little tiny Dollar Store to say a LONG and LOUD old spiel about the "children runnin' around loose with balloons that are for customers, not crazy children and the parent needs to pay more attention and yadda, yadda, yadda."  I almost went the other direction, straight towards her throat!  I mean COME ON!!  Well by that time Ann and Hannah are frozen in fright.  They get it.   They quickly put the balloons down and even the boys were quite schocked about the whole thing.           Okay, so I'm quickly asking the Lord to help me not to unleash the beast.  The manager really was inappropriate the way she handled it, but that doesn't mean I should be.   So I did what I would do as if I wasn't offended and I corrected the girls, and told them they needed to apologize  -which they did-   and we got out of that store as quick as lightning!    All the way home we were laughing so hard about how was going to go in the store and run down the aisle with balloons and see what happens!

We got home and dove into chores and dinner.  And the kiddos played and goofed around until bed.


One of Paul's best friends suddenly died.  He married us. He leaves behind a wife and 8 year old daughter. It is so sad.  Death just comes, doesn't it?  Paul will be flying to his funeral.   God had already provided for the flight though!          We'd really appreciate prayers for the family and for Paul.

I am really enjoying my days the last few months.  I wake-up early and look forward to greeting Paul and the kids.  I always have, but now I feel more purposed about it.  I'm more chil' about the house instead of frantically cleaning and picking up all the time.  I'd rather look back and say I played Uno with the kids, gave Paul some cuddles, called a friend or prayed  hard for someone,  than "gee, wasn't my house clean"  or  "gee, didn't I do a good job fretting about things".

I am  really enjoying the ministry lately too.  It is so good to be ministering to our youth, planning lessons and programs.   Writing my sermons (I'm doing another on prayer this Sunday).  Visiting with our people. Preparing and planning Women's Ministries.    Dealing with "issues".     Even doing paperwork.  

So, did you make it through to the end?  Good for you, you're a finisher!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Women Officers- Home League Women's Ministries

We had Home League today. 

We  meet every Wednesday morning, rain or shine.  I really love our group of ladies.  We have about 8 faithful attendees, and some others that come when they can.  We sit around tables, chat it up a bit, open with a Bible Study (I've been leading one on women Jesus ministered too, in the Gospels).  Then we take a short break for snacks and things, then on to a "program" which will usually be one of our four-fold purposes: service, worship, education, and fellowship.

Typically, our ladies take turns in the preparing and leading of the program, but last week we had a cancellation so I went to plan B-   I shared a video about a family who travels around in an RV ministering to others with music. (Paul and I have a dream to travel around in the RV with the children! So naturally, I was very interested in this video!)  I got it a while ago from Franklin Springs Media.   We discussed our homes and families and I encouraged the ladies to seek out good movies that portray family and home life in a  positive way.  There are far too many television shows that portray a wimpy dad, bossy mom, and unruly children.  I also shared about Abigail who had a "surly husband" but she was a  faithful woman who sought the Lord and His way despite her terrible husband.  (And in the end she ended up with King David!!) 

This morning we prayed, took care of some business, reviewed our Projects to which we contribute too and our HL Secretary and helper did an eye-opening skit for us followed by a walk through "Our Heart, Christ's Home". 

We are really excited about a new dimension to our Women's Ministries called  Sally's Ya-Ya Sisterhood.  I am grateful that I have 2 competent and enthusiastic women who will be running this program.  I will just sit back (I hope!) and participate. Smile. 

For a long time, especially when I first became an Officer, I was to easily swayed into thinking that I should fight for my right to not be "just tied down to Women's Ministries".  I would hear of others complaining that the wives of Officer husbands in leadership were just "plugged into" a Women's Ministries position and that their skills and talents weren't being put to good use.  I was young (I still am!) and impressionable and wanted to please the loudest voices around me. 
But I've learned,
just because someone is screaming the loudest,
it doesn't mean that they know what they're talking about. 
So now, I try to tune those out and listen to the still, small, powerful whisper of God.
Home League originated in order to provide fellowship, spiritual guidance and practical skills to use in the  home.  It's intention was to build up the woman so that she could build up her home and church.  If ever women needed the Home League- it's NOW!  There are so many women who find themselves with children, husbands, boyfriends, homes, working, and various other situations, who just don't know what to do or how to do it. I mean really, we've all been there, and we're all still learning, but there are a lot of women out there that don't even know that you can cook without a microwave or a drive-thru the McDonalds.  There are women who just don't know how very impressionable children are.  There are also women who don't know how to get along with other women.   So many things....

Titus 2 tells us what we should be teaching and learning:

to love our children and husbands  (it does not always come "naturally"!),
to be reverant (deeply respectful, in awe)
not to be slanderers (that's right ladies- watch that tongue and those lyin' lips!)
or addicted to too much wine (they didn't have Meth or Crack back then, but I'm sure those type of things are included here!),
teaching what is good,
to be self-controlled
and pure,
to be busy at home (as opposed to being overly busy outside the home or being at home but being a lazy bump on the log)
to be kind,
to be subject to our husbands (GASP!)  

These are the timeless truths that every woman should know.  These things don't come naturally; they have to be learrned and practiced and developed in us by  God. 
(Naturally, the only thing I do VERY well is be a selfish-onry-twit.  Ask my mother.)

The Home League gives us the opportunity and responsibility to teach women, and learn for ourselves, how to be effective Godly women-  builders of God's kingdom, beginning with the home.

PS- Our Corps (church) also ministers to women through our Social Services, Traveling Tea, Nutrition and Craft Classes, Women's Retreat, Mother and Daughter Banqeut, Women's Ministries Annual Tea

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Women Officers- Effective Habits

This is an excerpt from our General Eva Burrows (Retired) address to Cadets some time ago-----  It was emailed to me a few years ago.  I've kept it posted above my desk to review when I feel like I'm getting off-track.  This is a useful way to be effective in all avenues of ministry- family, home, workplace, church, etc.

"Habit 1- Keep Studying
Always remain a student of the world around us and a student of the Bible.  That way we will understand the context of mission and be able to offer the Word in a relevant way.

Habit 2- Nurture Yourself
With devotions, with good coaches or mentors or spiritual directors.  Defects in spiritual life affects our leadership more than anything else.  So have a plan for your personal spiritual development and follow it.

Habit 3- Use Your Uniqueness In Your Ministry
God wants us to be who He made us to be.  Be who you are and do what you do best.  This way you will do wonders for God's kingdom.

Habit 4- Exercise Competence Beyond Your Gifting
Don't use gifting as an excuse for not doing what is your responsibility.  Learn about what you don't know and talk with others and utilise others who can help.  Don't monopilise your ministry, but mulitply it.

Habit 5- Be A Spiritual Leader
Cast vision.  Have a clear and passionate focus for mission.  Be ready to adjust strategies.  Above all, like Jesus, be a Servant Leader."

General Eva Burrows (R) was our General when God called me to Officership when I was about 10.  I was a willing soul after my Corps Officer, Mrs. Miller, taught us in Jr. Soldiers about our new General.  I remember feeling so hopeful, that there was a place for me, a woman, in Ministry.  I so wanted to share about Jesus. Still do.     I met General Eva when I was a teenager with my mom at a Labor Day Camp.  She was so kind and relatable.

General Eva is the daughter of Salvation Army Officers.  She is the 8th of 9 children. 
She never married, committing herself entirely to the advancement of God's kingdom. 
She served around the world, ultimately being elected as the General, the world leader of The Salvation Army,  in 1986 until 1993.
She is known as "The People's General".

on effective (or destructive!)  habits.........
"We first form habits, and then they form us."

Dinner last night: Ravioli, Salad, Fruit Bar
Dinner tonight: Chicken Corden Bleu Casserole, Peaches, Choco Chip Cookies
Dinner tomorrow night: Crockpot Chicken, Potatos, Apple Slices

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Hannah!!

Hannah loves to check out the Wine and Cocktail list when we go out. 
She thinks it is her own special menu.

When we're at home, you will find Hannah mostly in her swimsuit or ballet suits.

And eating apples... her favorite!

And painting on the glass with her water colors which is another favorite

Today was her 3rd Birthday. 

Streamers are a MUST at in our home on birthdays.  This photo looks dreary though!
The birthday girl or boy always wakes up to a house full of streamers!  Hannah's were purple and green.

Presents and Cards!

Opening her card from Grandma and Grandpa C.
We cashed her check from them before hand and stuck cash inside. 
She was far more interested in my reading the card to her over and over than she was in the cash! 
I asked her "what are you going to spend your money on?"  she said "purple dollies for Ann".

Elijah made her a special card and read it to her.

Hannah called this her "princess girl dress".

Hannah was trying to like all the crumbled up newspaper that Grandma and Grandpa S. mailed her.

She was SO EXCITED to find a mermaid barbie doll in the box!
and glad that she didn't just get a box of crumpled up newspaper!

David saved his Hershey bar from Christmas to give to her, along with a dollar bill.

Hannah had the day all to herself.  She could do whatever she wanted.
David played the Wii with her
Ann played dollies
I got a makeover from her (and a very wet head of hair)
Paul "had fun on the bed" with her (which is crazy wrestling, tickling, screaming time)
Elijah tried to help keep her away from her birthday cake that Ann and I were decorating (but that part got WAY ugly when Mommy lost her cool and screamed at everyone to STOOOOP IIIIITTT!!)
Then Mommy cried and apologized profusely with hugs and kisses.

Then it was back to party time
with Cheese Pizza, extra cheese
Cake and Icecream.
Hannah also got to go over to "acies" (Stacie's) house to play with her 6 friends.
She got to blow out more candles on top of rice krispy treat cupcakes.

What a wonderful day she had!

Tommorow she will get to drop her pennies (3) on the drum at Church. 
I will get to drop mine (34)  too since I didn't get to it last Sunday.

Thank you Lord for our cherished Happy Hannah Girl!! 
How amazing that we should be so blessed to have a girl like her in our lives.
And a warning to the world in her days to come.... WATCH OUT!! 

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Some Everyday Life Pics

My heart skips a beat when I see *clean and organized*, even if it's food.
I love these trays.  I picked them up over a year ago at Fred Meyer's for 75% off!
I use them for our "kid meals", usually Saturday or Sunday night, sometimes both.

Vanilla yogurt w/ sprinkles (dessert), apple slices, corn and chicken.

Dog Pile! 
Mary is on the bottom...

I lay out the girls outfits every night for the next day.

I used to do the boys but they do it themselves now since they are growing up. (sniffle, sniffle)

See my new casseroles?? 
Paul got them for me for Christmas. 
They are Rachael Ray!

You might also notice our criss-crossed silverware.
It is Ann's new way to set the table to "help make things fancy".

Also... I just figured this out a few months ago... instead of setting the table, only to gather up the plates again to dish up food;  I now put the stack of plates in the middle of the table so I can just stand and dish up food then pass out the plates.  Get it? 
 Even those little things make a difference in my day! 

Hannah freaked out when Paul put his foot up near her.

So naturally, we all joined in.

Wait!! Once more for the camera!

Mary was far to occupied with her perogie to join in.

Often, when I go to take my shower, I put the TV on.
The other morning, I came out and just had to snap a shot of my darlings! 
Look at how Mary joined right in to watch "Sid the Science Kid."
It touched my heart to see how Mary imitates her big sissies! 
I didn't know babies watch TV!!

This is also what I often come out of the shower to find.

Just thought I'd make you jealous. Mmmm... can I make a yummy sandwich.

A common occurence in our home. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dry Ice Wonders

One of our latest learning experiences...

Dry Ice!

Did you know???

that dry-ice is also known as frozen CO2?

that dry-ice is unbearably freezing cold to the touch?

that when you press metal tongs to the ice it makes a high pitched screaming sound?

that if everyone puts their faces around the bowl and blows all at the same time, a plume of "smoke" goes straight up in the air?

that sniffing the "smoke" makes your nose tingle?

that if you watch very carefully, you can see little "O's" in the "smoke"?

that you can scoop and hold the "smoke" in the cup of your hand and pass it along?

that white grape juice always tastes better with dry-ice?

that you can buy it at the grocery store for just 1$ a pound and enjoy an hour of fun and learning?

I am looking forward to doing this again with our Youth at Church. 
I am planning a Very exciting Bible School full of Science!!!

Thank you Lord for your wonders!

Dinner tonight:  Chicken, Roasted Potatos, Peas and Streusel Cake

Monday, January 18, 2010

Women Officers--- Tough Times

     I wrote this in the back of my  Bible when I was in training college.  The words aren't so comforting, in fact they are quite harsh.  I did not even fully understand the reality of Officership when I read them the first time, but as the years go by, and we have faced some difficulty, I begin to really get it. 
     When we consider the cost of following Jesus, of answering His call,  we must also remember that Jesus was rejected, despised, spit upon, mocked, tortured, and ultimately crucified, for the sake of OTHERS.
     And the most glorious part of all was that He rose from the grave, victorious over it all.
     "Then one day, for unknown reasons, God just isn't there anymore.  The Presence that has guided us and strengthened us is gone.  Our covenant with God feels broken and void.  The Scriptures stops comforting. Every page condemns!  We continue to read out of obedience, but the Word becomes the letter that kills.

     Pastoral skills become worthless.  The church is no longer a warm, nurturing environment where friends gather.  The church expels us from the secure womb.  Evil rages against us.  The boundaries of the church are not walls keeping evil out but a boxing ring keeping evil in, so that it can come back and strike us again and again and again.  We can't run.

     I'm up a tree.  High, far out on a fragile limb I cling.  I climbed out there because God said that He wanted me there and  that He would be with me.  Now the limb is cracking off the trunk.  God isn't there anymore.  The picture changes like a dream.  I am not out on a limb, but strapped to a tree.  I am hanging from a tree.  I am dying on a tree.  Pinched in God's vise, dangling helpless, I am made into the bait of God, but for whom?
      Nobody  pretty wants me now.  The world wants winners.  Nothing succeeds like success.  Look good to attract the good-looking.  Die to attract the dying.  Suffer to know the being of suffering.  Cry out to know the crying out.  Hear the blood of the innocents screaming; searing pain rises from the blood soaked dirt.
     Only now am I a parable of Jesus Christ."

-David Hansen, "The Art of Pastoring"

This can really apply to any area of life, couldn't it?     Not all of our days will be perfectly perfect.  In fact, not many.  We trust in Him, no matter where it takes us or who it leads us too.  At times, we may face unbearable pain and frustration, just like Jesus.   But we trust that His purpose and plan is being accomplished in us- bringing us closer into perfect fellowship (holiness) with Him.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

More Snow Days

The snow is mostly gone now, except for a few piles here and there.
We've had such a mild winter. 
The children enjoyed the snow every chance they got.

This used to be my snow suit. 
I have memories of laying down on top of it to get zipped in. 
I also remember my Mom sending me to the potty first.

This one was my twin brothers.

I bet my Mom and Dad never knew how much use we'd get out of these!
So far, 6 children have worn these- Jacob and Rachel- their children
and David, Elijah, Ann and Hannah- their grand-children.
Mary will be next.






Building a fort.

Preparing the snowballs to cream Daddy.

Snowball chute they built for rapid-fire!
Poor Paul.

The boys built these bird-houses with their Grandpa in Michigan, then he shipped them out. 
They are a source of much pride!

Elijah took most of the outside pics.

Back of our home.

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