Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, June 20, 2009

I Slept Till 9!

I slept until 9:00am this morning!!! Paul took care of the kids and I stayed in bed with Mary. I was up off and on, but decided, I'm staying put. Boy did it feel good!! I don't think I've ever slept in like that since well before kids. My body is programmed to wake up between 5:30-6:00am every morning. I woke up at 5:30am this morning, the house was quiet so I got myself back to sleep. I remember when I was a teenager that 9am was way to early to get up. Oh my how things have changed!

I am entirely unpacked from our trip. I get to start packing again today for the next trip on Wednesday. I will also finish working on my sermon (Jonah 3- Repentance), take care of a sicky-Elijah, get gifts together for Father's Day Recognition at Church tomorrow, and all the little "extras". It feels like a good day for me, no schedule and just let the kids just kind of roam around the house/backyard for the day. Chicken noodle soup and grapes for lunch, Meat dip, Tostitos and veggie tray for dinner.

Paul will be taking my disposable camera to Walgreens today where they load up the pics onto a CD. Then I will be able to post all about our Seattle trip and National Commander meetings, so stay tuned! It was a such a good time.
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