Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mary is 3 Months Old!

Wow, does time FLY! Mary Ruth turned 3 months old on Sunday (July 19). She is precious and such a content little baby. She still wakes up 3 times a night, but just to eat, not to fuss. She is starting to play with toys. She is always being held by someone. When I do need to put her down, she gets a look of confusion and then fear, which results in crying. She is coooing and smiling like crazy. Paul and I think she is one of our most engaging babies, always trying to get our attention, and then she'll coo and smile like crazy. She has also taken up quite a bit of slobbering, which the kids think is hilarious.

Here is her 3 month photo shoot from Sunday:

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