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Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Happy Valentine's Day

What a week it has been.  All good, but even good can be difficult, which is where I'm finding myself lately.  I have been worked up about an issue and trying  to be careful not to say too much.  I am relying on the Lord to give me a self-controled tongue and patience as I wait on Him.  It's hard when "hurry-up" is my middle name.  I am learning. 

Paul and I had a "Valentines" date on Friday night.  Our good friend, Stacie, babysat for us at the last minute, because we really needed to just go out alone.  We sat in the car for an hour and talked and then went out to dinner at the Baldwin's Saloon which has hands down the BEST french onion soup in the world. 

And so... on with the show...

What a wonderfully lovely Valentines Day we had today.

It started with an early morning for me (thanks a lot, Mary!) and as quiet as I intend to be, my girls always seem to hear me and wake up ready to go.  Ann pounced on me to tell me a Happy Valentine's Day.  Hannah followed.  I have big red mark on my stomach from where I got burnt from my spilled coffee.  Ouch.  Love hurts.

We did our usual Sunday morning routine and then off to the Corps (church).  In Sunday School with the children, I skipped our usual lesson and  I taught about Saint Valentine instead.  We talked about marriage, and the sanctity of it and how the world has always been against it in some form or another.   We also talked about being a martyr and being brave and courageous.   (St. Valentine used to marry people in secret because it was illegal for young men to get married.  He was also a martyr) Then the children made Valentines for the residents at the Veteran's Home that attend our monthly church service.  They did such a good job making them special.

A few of our people brought Valentines to give out.  One of our younger ladies brought little maze games and lollipops for all of the children.  They were so excited.  I was blessed to see her generosity to 25 children because I know that she doesn't have much.    Another couple of our ladies HAND WROTE 50 Valentines with John 3:16 and a Valentine word acrostic integrated into it.  That was such a special blessing that they would go through all that trouble because they love their church.   I feel like it is such a privelege to know and love these people.  I am always praying that I would be a better leader  for them.  They deserve more than I can offer.

In church, I preached a sermon on Grace and shared a short story to go along. 

After church, Paul and I did our drop-offs.  I heard Ann in the backseat telling a little boy, *A*, all about Mt. Hood and how it's a volcano and how her Grandma told her so and on and on and on.  *A* is such a darling little boy, he just sat there nodding his head with his big brown eyes in a daze.

Then we met at Denny's.  We had a coupon for 25% off.  We had a lot of giggles, did some sorting, patterns, and math problems with our rainbow goldfish, but I got SOOOO embarrassed when one of our children spilled their drink 3 times!!!  I am not an embarrassed type kind of person, but the 3rd time was too much for me!  Afterwards I ran into an acquantice (the kids love it- she has an animal name) and had a couple things I wanted to have a chat with her about.  Paul paid the bill and loaded the kids up in the car and patiently waited for me to finish.  I swear, if I was my wife, I'd kill me.  I finally got out to the car and he's just sitting there, kids buckled, and asks me kindly if I had a nice chat.  Why can't I be that patient????

Paul did church at the Veteran's home in the afternoon.  We usually switch off with the preaching and nursing homes.  I was glad to stay home and use that hour to get some of my reading done on a subject I've been studying.  The boys played dollies...errrr.. "soldier figures" and the girls harrassed poor Mary.

I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story....

Receiving their Valentine from Paul and I.

This picture turned out bad, but my friend, *J*, who also teaches the church ladies crafts once a month, made this for me a couple years ago.  It is such a neat thing, a long ribbon with patchwork looking fabric hearts slid on.  I love the pretty simplicity of it.

I bought these months ago to give them for Valentines. They are little lock and key diaries with pens. The kids really seemed to like them.

The kids were upset I didn't get Mary anything.  Oopsie!

Ann began writing in her diary right away.  I wrote "Dear Diary," on our dry erase board and she must've sat there and wrote that on 10+  pages.

Elijah mostly enjoyed his lock and key.

I never realized how much everyone would want to feed the baby.  I am working on weaning her (boo, hoo)before we leave for Israel.  I took a picture of Elijah feeding her because I had overheard him singing "Mary Had A Little Lamb" to her. 

My 2 friends gave me this MOST EXCELLENT idea when I was visiting with them the other night.  They are soundproof ear muffs.  David has been quite vocal about his annoyances with lip smacking and chewing at the table, mainly at breakfast time when the younger kids are stuffing their mouth with cereal or oatmeal.  So I told him, he can either get used to it or wear these because they are still learning to eat quietly with their mouths closed every time.    I actually bought two pairs, one for me too!  LOL!!! 

I made giant chocolate cupcakes for....


-BIG Smile-

Thank you Lord, for LOVE! 

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