Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Week

Some of our Thanksgiving Week Happenings:

Decorate the Corps (Church) for Christmas
Ann was such a big help to me this morning.  She is ready to take over! (and she's only 4).  I so enjoy having a daughter just like me;)   Hannah went to school this morning and Mary crawled underneath the pews.  I lost track of her several times, having to duck under all the pews to find her.  Anways...we bought several new decorations for the Corps since I am not into a "tacky" looking building and some of our things were getting pretty old.  I went with a goldish pallette.  I will post pics when we're all done. I am grateful for all the different areas this ministry takes me into... including decorating!

Christmas Party Invitations
Advisory Board/Staff, Women's Ministries and Church.  Three separate parties, 3 different invitations.  I have fun planning and creating.  I just hope everyone else has fun!!  I still have much prep to do for these, but got a real good start.  I am grateful that I get to celebrate Christmas over and over again!

Almost done with all of our Advent Sunday program plans and sermon outlines.  Yay Advent!  I am grateful for my church and the privelege to lead.

Several "pep talks" and "checking-in" with Staff regarding all of our Christmas services at the Corps.  We are almost done taking applications, which has been time consuming.  Lots of other miscellaneous too.  I am grateful for our awesome, get-the-job-done, good-attitude Staff and volunteers.

Trying to take very good care of my hubby who is working so very hard to keep our Community Meal going.  That is mainly his gig, while I raise the children (hee!hee!) and keep up with the Church work.  I know we'll see him again soon ;)   I am grateful for such an amazingly capable, dedicated, and hard-working partner in ministry.

Winter Gear
Yesterday I finally finished up readying our winter gear.  Now everything is washed.  Every child has boots, gloves, hats, scarves, snowsuit/pants.  I only have to buy ONE pair of snowboots this year!! (for David).  Everyone else fit an old pair.   Bring it on snow!  I am grateful that our needs are met and that we have snow to look forward too.

On Thanksgiving the kids and I will make Deviled Eggs and Ritz Crackers with Canned Cheese.  A tradition.  We will munch while we watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and then head down to eat with 1000 other people at the Community Meal.  Paul will try hard to help me with the kids, but the volunteers and the people will need him more so I'll say "Paul, we're fine, go do what you need to.  What do you think I do when you're not here?  I can manage, I promise!"  That is my usual mantra when he is "over-helping" me ;) He's so good to us.  Then I'll take the kids around to see what all is happening.  They will probably serve bread rolls, or milk cartons, or dessert or something else that won't turn into catastrophe if done wrong.   I am grateful that even though I don't get to share Thanksgiving with mine or Paul's family, God will still provide a loud, crowded and busy Thanksgiving for us that is almost like family (tee!hee!). 

When we get home we'll do another tradition which is to make a gingerbread house.  I will have to play referee to keep Hannah from eating the candy, Elijah from looking to catch someone eat the candy, David from forgetting what we're doing with the candy  (?!)  and Ann from getting hurt by the candy (she likes to get hurt).  I am already giggling.  Oh my, these kids are way to funny!  I am grateful for the uniqueness that each of our children bring to our family.

Friday I will be up and out by 5:00am to go to the Fred Meyer sock sale for my yearly stock-up.  I already scanned the store this morning for my game plan.  Paul will stay home with the kids for this venture.  I just need to make sure I'm home in time for kettles.   I am grateful for a good sale so my kids can wear socks all year long.

Later in the evening we'll be doing our Nativity Float in the parade.  We are all looking forward to it!  Especially the kids who just love being in a parade.  People are always staring at us anyway, it's like being in a parade everyday.  Smile.  I am grateful for the fun we're going to have and the pride my children (and I) feel being a Chouinard and part of The Salvation Army.

I'm hoping that on Saturday I can cook up a Thanksgiving just for us Chouinards.

This Thanksgiving I am grateful for it all!
Thank you Most High,
you've outdone anything I could've come up with.

I'll be back here in a few days.
I hope your Thanksgiving is everything you hope for!

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