Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas began last night!

There has been a lot of secret keeping among the Chouinards.
I've got so many in my head to sort out that I'm afraid I might tell a secret to someone I wasn't supposed to.
So... I told the children this morning... I'm done spilling the beans! 

Santa came to visit last night!!  You should've seen Hannah's face when she opened the door!
(My camera has been acting funny, so I didn't get that many good shots)

Hannah ran to the top of the stairs with everyone else
because she was both excited and leary at the same time.

*F* played her violin for Santa.

Santa brought presents and everything!!

Santa double-checked that he gave out all the presents.

What a fun filled evening!

THANK YOU to our two lovely friends from church and their daughter!
It was such a special and memorable treat for us all!

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