Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Boy does time fly! I've been home for a few days now, but being extremely busy coupled with sharing a comptuer with 3 guys has left me ignoring my blog, but... I'm baaaaack!

We had a great vacation visiting with my parents, brother (and his girlfriend) and good friends from long ago! We took 2 days to drive down to Napa, CA and 2 1/2 days to drive back. We actually had a great driving time! I'm thankful our kids are such great travelers! They sure were wound up in the evenings though after sitting all day. Those poor motel beds...

The highlights of our trip were the Jelly Belly Factory, a Blue Grass Band at Pizza Hut (walking distance from my parents house), Grandpa's Lathe workshop, Grandma's computer Star Wars video game, and a fabulous trip to San Fransisco with my whole family, including a walk on the Golden Gate bridge. And for me, visiting with 2 of my best friends from Highschool, Tiffany and Terry... who I only see every few years, if that. I didn't get to see my childhood friends (since 1st grade!), Kelli and Nikki, because we just could not get our schedules coordinated! I did get to see them in May 07, though... so I won't complain.

Dump session........There has been so much to keep up with these last few days. Both at home and the Corps (church). I can't even think straight and have literally been carrying paper and pen with me everywhere so I can write down everything. I just don't trust myself this week to "remember" it all! Not a good feeling at all. But I know it will pass. David is finally finishing his Destination Imagination committments, with the final State competition being next weekend. I'm glad! David's Baseball season has just begun though! (Elijah does his sport, soccer, in the fall). March through May is a busy month at the Corps... Vacation Bible School, Audits, Easter, Mother/Daughter and Father/Son programs, Migrant Workers, and more on top of regular Corps programming. And oh yeah, a baby coming in mid-April! I can't wait for him/her to arrive so I can rest! (he!he!)

We are officially having our Christmas Dinner tonight. Our Prime Rib that we stuck in the freezer during our flu, and all the fixings that were supposed to go with it to begin with. So what, we're two months late, better late than never! I still can't figure out though why it took us this long to get around to it?!

Well, I better go. I really need to fiddle more with my blog because it is still won't do what I want. I think I need professional help!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Yes, I know my blog is looking very weird. All of my sidebar stuff is at the bottom!?! I will figure out what went wrong when I have more time.

What Really Goes On In Our Home!

We had a little fun this morning... You'll notice the Teddy Bear on the floor beneath the big red ball. The kids set a trap. Everyone had their turn, however Hannah got upset about it and ran into her momma's arms. I did of course have a chance to snap a picture!

Pic 1 is the trap ready to go
Pic 2 is the trap in progress
Pic 3 is the trap causing a crying Hannah.

(She's okay and happy now!)

31 Weeks Prego ("measuring" at 34 weeks!)
I think I'm having a moose!

Friday, February 13, 2009

This Week!

Oh my, some weeks are so packed full! Here are the some "highlights" that mostly have to do with Officership but I still think might be interesting to most of you. It's my life!

Sunday started with a very good, Spirit led, BUT very interesting church service. A good one, but in my 11 years of Corps Officership... something I've never encountered and a call I've never had to make.

Monday was a DPC (Divisional Program Council) meeting I had to go to at DHQ (Divisional Headquarters). For me a two hour meeting turns into an all day event because I have to drive nearly 2 hours each way to DHQ and spend the morning and afternoon situating all the children in their schools and activities. I consider Paul absolutely unavailable on Mondays because on top of an already busy schedule on Mondays, he is filling in for the Store Manager who has Mondays off. I sometimes wonder if I was appointed to DPC because "they" thought I had nothing better to do (?!?!).... but I'm glad to help and be a "voice" for Corps Officers. I imagine I'll have to ask permission to resign after the baby is born, unless they're okay with me bringing a baby and nursing in the middle of our meetings. This momma won't leave her baby all day.

Tuesday was me in the office trying to play catch-up from missing my Monday morning, and then me at home trying to play catch-up from missing my Monday afternoon.

Wednesday was disturbing!! We had our "Protecting the Mission" aka "Safe From Harm" training session for our Youth Pastor and our other youth leaders/helpers. As always, I walk away from these meetings disgusted and paranoid about the world we live in! Sexual predators, child abusers, and bad adults who want to harm our children. They tend to lurk around churches and Christians want to be so "forgiving" that these predators take advantage and harm church children at an alarming rate. I am so grateful that The Salvation Army has such high standards for those working with the youth! Our own standards are better than the state's standards and far better than the majority of churches. That afternoon, I gave my own children another talk about all that kind of stuff. I even have them practice yelling "Don't touch my ******!" and "You're not my mom/dad!" I want my children to always know that they have the right to say no to people and they have the right to not do something that they don't want to do.

Thursday started with an early pre-natal apt., then CBS, stop by the office with the girls to do a few things, and then in the evening another painfully fabulous visit to John, LMT (thank you, Miss Stacie!). I came home so out of it that Paul had to cook dinner. He dug around in the freezer and pulled out some stuff. It was all I could do to stay awake during dinner for visiting.

This morning I packed in 6 errands before we had to go drop my mini-van off at the shop, AGAIN, to get fixed. I took the girls to the Library story time. I like to take them as often as I can. They love it and learn to sit quietly on their mats and listen to the stories. And might I say (brag!), they really do a great job keeping control of themselves despite the other children crawling all over them and yelling around during the story. Ann looks at them mortified while Hannah lets out a few No's and Stop! She is quite bold! I remember taking the boys when they were real little to the Springfield library for their programs. I love the Library!

The girls are both taking a nap now and when the brothers get home from school there will be a flood of Valentines all over the kitchen table. I will sit and watch them show me every single Valentine. Let's see... 4 children times 20+ Valentines each... 80+ Valentines! I better go research some describing words so that I'll have plenty of comments ready! Elijah was so excited this morning because yesterday he peaked in a bag and saw soda pops. He was so excited to think that he might get soda pop at his Valentine party. Too cute!! David was also excited because his teacher does such a great job with games at their parties. I'm disapointed I don't get to go... but I have no car! I am stranded!

I have a lot of packing to do to get ready for our trip. It's not so bad though because we're not camping. Just clothes, snacks and bedding. The kids are so looking forward to going! So are we, but we can contain ourselves better! They are thrilled to see Grandma, Grandpa, Beebee, and Mr. Cool Uncle Jacob. It will be a good trip!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

25 Things about me

So this has been going around facebook and I finally did mine. I've been tagged several times but just now got around to it. It's way to hard to come up with 25 things! Here they are:

1. I have a twin brother.

2. I have lived in 4 different states in the last 13 years.

3. I love to camp.

4. I love Little House on the Praire books and shows.

5. I love being a mom to our 4 fantastic children.

6. I have another fantastic child being knit together, coming in April!

7. I pray I don't ruin them.

8. I would still love to go back to college for more learning, but don't see how my interests will relate to my Officership- anthropology, archeology, philosophy, government, history.

9. I love to learn and "self-teach" myself whenever I'm interested in something although my interests quickly change! (adhd?!?)

10. I also love to teach my children and any question they ask will set me off in a sermon, lecture, or hours of research.

11. The older children are learning to sometimes avoid asking me questions! (see #10)

12. I am still madly in love with my husband of 11 1/2 years.

13. I think he likes me too ;)

14. I LOVE to travel!

15. I hate useless, worthless or too much stuff!

16. I have strong opinions but will often keep them to myself so I don't hurt or offend someone. They don't really matter anyway.

17. I think the best of people which has left me naive or vulnerable in some situations.

18. I miss being around my family and Paul's.

19. I love being an Officer and the variety of things it requires from me. I like my "work"!

20. I still have those hard moments (#19).

21. In some mysterious way, God gets me through them!

22. I love homemaking - nurturing, cooking, cleaning, managing, etc.

23. I am not a good sleeper.

24. I prefer hot summers.

25. My dream home would be all decked out pink, lacey and Victorian with a huge vegetable garden out back.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Movies, TV, Books

A few weeks ago Paul and I watched "Housewife 49" from Netflix. It was a wonderful movie! It was all about World War 2 from a British Housewife's point of view. So I was telling my friend Stacie about it when she mentioned a new OPB (or PBS depending where you live) reality show called "1940's House". I got it from the library and Paul and I watched it last week. Well, we are still talking about it! We loved it so much and it inspired us to do all sorts of research on the affects of WW 2 on England. Rationing, bomb shelters, volunteering, and so much more. I would totally recommend these two movies!

I have found that there really aren't all that many good movies being made anymore! And Television STINKS! When Paul and I were first married there were a few good shows on that we both liked watching together. Over the last 4-5 years, there aren't any television shows that we're "hooked" on and look forward to watching in the evenings. We do like when we stumble upon a good History Channel show. Also Discovery Channel is always a good family station that we watch together with the kids (minus the commercials!). Elijah, Ann and I like to watch the Food Network sometimes. I know I watch way to much of the news channels (FOXnews). Paul gets tired of me screaming at the TV. I get mad and worked up right before bed when I should be relaxing. That's my two cents on TV. If any of you are watching fabulous shows that you love, let me know!

My book reading is piling up again. I have been scanning several books, but only actually reading Atlas Shrugged (I may be the rest of my life, it is very long!). I have way to many books that I've ordered and let pile up on my nightstand. I hate "stuff" and am constantly purging, but the book thing may be getting out of hand! I dread moving and packing up all of them. I need to go through the bookcases (home and office) and purge some! The kids also have tons of books. Toys drive me crazy, but I never mind getting them a book. It has helped them become great readers, but I'm due to purge there too!

Elijah is watching me type now. He's amazed at how fast I'm able to type without even looking. It's funny because I remember my own mom typing on a real typewriter when I was a kid and I thought she was so amazing because she could type. I guess I'm the amazing one now, right Elijah? (He's laughing because he's reading this as I type!). Elijah says "Hi Everyone!" He has one more front tooth dangling around. I swear I'm going to rip that thing out! It has been hanging by a thread for a week now, since he lost the one next to it.

David just got back from guitar lessons, so I have to sit and listen to all he learned. He's actually getting pretty good. Better go get my groove on with David.

Bye all!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It's been one week since my fabulous massage (generously provided by our good friend Stacie!) and I'm already hungry for another one! My lower back is tightening up again despite my stretching. Just one of the usual side affects of pregnancy. I ran into someone from Stacie's circle at the store, and now she is going to see the amazing LMT, John Combes (sp?). I think we need to start a club and name it "Hurt So Good"!

A heavy morning of "pastoral" stuff. Everyone just has those hard and complicated issues in their lives. It's hard to watch when they are your people and your friends who you love.

When I opened my office door this morning, I noticed a huge word scrawled across it "Hannnnnnnnahhh". I had taught Ann how to write Hannah's name when she made her a birthday card. Now I am finding it all over the place, this time smack dab on my office door with a marker. Boy, was she busted. She fessed up right away although the janitor thought Hannah had written her own name, (uh she's 2?!?) Ann's sentence: sanding it off next week, no matter how long it takes. Good thing her thumb is all healed up. ;)

We are taking the Youth Activites (Troops and Jr. Soldiers) to the Discovery Center, a local museum tonight. They are finishing up their Indian Folklore Badge and we have a tour arranged that will focus on the local indians, errr "native americans". There will be about 35 of us, including the littlest ones, Moonbeams, who can play in the children's section. Thank God, I have my voice back after losing it these past few days! I will need it to keep everyone contained!

In my crockpot tonight: cubed chicken breast, chopped broccoli, b rice mixed with 2 cans of broccoli/cheddar soup. Served with peaches on the side. Yum and ready to go!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Pictures from January!

Okay... I went crazy uploading photos, but here they are!

There are two pages worth, so I think you'll need to click on "older posts" at the bottom of the page. I put up 13 pictures in all.

I've been smiling for the past hour looking at all these photos of my precious family! I hope it makes you smile too!

Hannah cooked me something, in her words, "hot, hot, hot, not yucky"!

Ann and Hannah both LOVE to cook in their kitchen (and mine!). Ann struck a pose for this one!

Just a pretty picture with a pretty Ann ;)

First night in their new bunk beds. Ann on top, pink sheets. Hannah on bottom, purple sheets.

David reading to Hannah.

Elijah reading to Ann.
Ann is in her underwear a lot because she is always playing dress-up or painting (shirts off when the kids paint! until they're older of course!)

Elijah reading to Hannah.

David teaching Ann to play the Wii.

Playing the Wii

David and Elijah in their Star Wars jammies from Grandma and Grandpa

our little goofballs

Most precious children ever!

Elijah, David, Hannah, Ann

on our way to church.

Paul (with Ann trying to jump in the picture)
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