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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Back to Blogging

I'm back.  I was not "feeling it" to blog much, or really be on the computer much at all.  I get way over-stimulated and then I think my brain short-circuits.  I know that happens when sparks fly out of my ears.

A few of us just got over a round of sickness, but other than that we are all happy and healthy.  I am praising God in a lot of ways lately, even in my uncomfortableness in certain areas.  He is maturing my faith in intense ways.  He is at work beyond what our eyes and ears tell us!

Last night we did a round of Pumpkin Carving with our Men.  It was a great time of real fellowship to have, our family with them, making a huge mess :)  It was good and even better to have help cleaning up!  As we walked around checking out their pumpkins, I was envisioning them carving pumpkins with their children.  My dad always carved pumpkins with us, and I remember the lesson I learned every year "Don't stop scraping and scooping until ALL the guts are out".  (A lesson I still apply to life today!)  I also remember my dad's own strong, tattooed arm carving away the tough spots for us.  Maybe I'm awfuly hopeful, but I have so much hope that these men will be walking with God and restored to their families and our Army will be stronger in number and influence.

Our home is nicely decorated with Fall things. I have been making an effort to keep everything lit up and all the blinds open because it is getting darker earlier.  I hate a dark house.  My family is getting tired of me saying "It is so dark in here!" even with all the lights on. I imagine it will get worse when daylight savings starts.   What I really need is a glass ceiling.  

I will post pictures soon.  We had to take our computer in to repair and this backup can't handle much.  I love when we go through my blog and look at all the pictures and past happenings.  It's like an extra brain to help store memories.

Paul was gone for the last few days and the kids and I enjoyed eating breakfast for dinner every night.  (Paul doesn't like breakfast for dinner.)  Can you believe we went through 4 dozen eggs!!! Holy Cow, I mean Holy Chicken!

I have a lot packed into today, Cinnamon Rolls and Bacon for breakfast, haircuts for the boys, trip to CostCo for candy (for the Center), pumpkin hunting and carving for us Chouinard's, company coming for dinner, and stuffing candy bags for our Staff and Men for Halloween. 

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