Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Today's Saturday, Yesterday was Friday

Headed to our Women's Outreach (Traveling Tea) group today. Elijah, Ann and Hannah are coming. There will be other kids to play with so they're looking forward to it.

Paul and David went to the Destination Imagination State Competition. If the team wins this one then its off to Nationals. I might be proud if they win, but mostly disappointed, because the rest of us miss them when they're gone! They won't be back until late tonight.

I need to finish my sermon and finish preparation for Family First Sunday School. I'll be in good shape after that. I hate when there are things "looming" over my head. Good or Bad. (Those are good to me)

There will be over 400 cyclists in downtown today. I want to take the kids to see them ride, but it starts at 1pm and that is naptime for Hannah. She's finally getting in a better mood and I don't want to spoil it. I might take the kids to McDonald's with the playland for lunch after Women's Group. Don't know about that either.

Yesterday afternoon, the girls and I came and got Elijah out of school early for a surprise. The girls didn't even know what the "surprise" was, and Elijah guessed it from the beginning!! He is one perceptive kid! We went to see "Monsters vs. Aliens". It was a good movie, I liked it too. Elijah really liked it. It was right up his alley. Ann got scared on a couple of parts, but still wanted to watch. Hannah did good, but got squirmy during the last 30 minutes, she's 2! Oh ya, speaking of movies... "Marley and Me" is NOT a kid movie!!

Then we went to Safeway to get a refill on Hannah's rash ointment. It was a nightmare! I waited in line for 45 minutes, in a very crowded store, (I hate crowds) with 3 restless little kids. Paul went to get it (by himself) the night before, but the line was to long, so he delegated it to me. I picked the WRONG time to go! Since David (#1) was born, I really have to force my mind not to "go there" when I think about how every part of my life, from using the bathroom to professional meetings, always involve me WITH the kids, or at least juggling to get them situated and cared for. Well, last night as I was waiting in line, exhausted, my mind kept "going there"! Poor Paul! He wasn't even around to defend himself! Don't get me wrong, I love being with my kids...and the unique opportunities that they get just from being an O.K., but there are just some things I don't like doing with them in tow, like waiting in line! and they hate it even more than I do. Now, if everyone would just stay healthy, I won't ever have to get a prescription again!!

I better get my rear in gear and get to the day. I just love a lazy morning and a cup of coffee, but it can't last forever! Well, in heaven maybe...

1 comment:

Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

I hate waiting in line with children. Honestly, there really isn't anything that stresses me out more.

45 minutes is ridiculous!

You are doing good, girlfriend!

I had a wonderful time with my sis for our birthday.

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