Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, June 4, 2009

My Babies...

I was up a whopping 6 times last night with Mary. She was just a hungry girl. Growth spurt maybe. I don't like being tired and the after-effects of endless nights... but I love getting up with my babies. I have liked it from the beginning with David, but appreciate it more as each child comes along. I get to be all alone with Mary, without distractions, giving her what she wants most: love and milk!

I look at David and Elijah and Ann now 10 thru 4 1/2 years old and remember how they too used to be so tiny. When I've held all our babies I always wonder what they'll be like when they're 2, 5, 10, 15 and into adults. They are just so precious! I wonder if when I'm older, I'll be like some of the ladies at the Corps who are willing to do anything to be close to a baby again. They insist on changing Mary's diaper, burping her and holding her even if she's crying her head off. They want to do the "dirty work" just so they can hold her more without me taking her away from them.

I can't believe Mary is already almost 7 weeks old. Why does pregnancy and labor take sooo looong and babies growing older go sooo fast! I think about how our family will only be all together for about 8 -9 more years and then, starting with David, they'll start leaving to create their own lives.

Sweet Mary is awake more and more throughout the day. Her hair is still quite reddish. She is looking at more and more things. I got out her 3-6 month clothing and she fits it quite well. She is seeming longer, or at least less curled up. She is very strong, holding her head up on her tummy and sitting well with support for as long as we'll hold her. She's rolled over twice from tummy to back, but that was because she was screaming mad. When her brothers and sisters hold her she has learned to hang on for dear life. Especially Ann's hair. Mary also likes to take a binky once in awhile, which is a great "cork" when we're out in public. I still think her ears don't match each other, but Paul doesn't want me to talk about it or he says she'll get a complex. She smiled at Daddy last night at dinner. Figures! I get all the work and he gets all the play (ha!ha!).

Life is good, full, but good.

Thank you, Lord!


Cheesemakin' Mamma said...

You have such a great attitude. I know what you mean about life being full but good. These days go by so quickly. While we can't stop time, we can appreciate the moments as they happen.

Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

It is going so quickly isn't it? I loved this post.

Lily is getting up only once a night now and I have to admit, I play with her a little before I feed her. I love seeing her smile and coo. No distractions, I pray over her hands, her feet, her future spouse, and love on her while she is nursing. It is such a special time.

I LOVE being a mother and I know you do too!

Bebee's Human said...

You were rolling over at the age of 3 WEEKS when you'd be screaming mad. No one would believe me until they would see it. Kids and dogs are always make liars of me, ha ha! I'm glad Mary has red hair so far because then we'll be able to tell her and Ann apart when they get older.

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