The boys were to go to the WAAM Museum in Hood River, the girls to the Tea Parlour.
We only had one vehicle between us, so Paul decided to take the truck. The boys were SO EXCITED! They love riding in that thing. For some reason though, Paul wouldn't let me drive it ;). (I'm the girl that runs over curbs in my mini-van.)
(For some reason they didn't show up in the picture.)
I am so blessed to have 3 daughters!!
We had a good time. Everyone was "age approppriate" good.
I held Mary most of the time because she seemed to know she was missing out on something when I put her in her car seat.
I swear she did not get that from me! Ann also felt like hot stuff when I let her use the Powder Room all by herself. (Like I was really going to haul everyone in there!)
After that she was in my arms the whole time. She stayed happy that way.
I was hoping she'd sleep, but thats the way it goes.
Her favorite part was when Hannah put whip cream on her hands.
We went to Freddy's afterwards to pick up a few groceries. It was CROWDED!! All of the migrants are in town.
Buster also had some professional teeth cleaning done today.
The vet had to put him under for it so he had to skip breakfast.
I made fish (Tilapia), Brown Rice and Peas for dinner. Icecream cake for dessert.
It's been nice eating outside. We hardly ever eat dinner inside anymore.
1 comment:
The truck is too funny!
I'm so glad you took the girls to tea! Isn't it fun?
I love it when Jess wants to try on the hats. Great pics, again! It is easier when the babies sleep, but they seem to know they are missing out, don't they?
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