Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, February 4, 2010


ORGANIZING is one of  my most favorite words ever.  I love organizing:   people, tasks, stuff, areas, anything!  

Some may say... I don't have time to organize.  I say, I don't have time NOT to organize. 

Every one of my days are brimming over with people to care for and things that need to be done. (Thank you, Lord).   I don't have the time to be looking for things or time to waste in unproductive ways.  And I want to fully utilize my time occupying planet earth.

In fact, I even look for ways to make my rest time productive (I'm sure my mother wouldn't be surprised! ha!ha!)   I like to plan and organize how I will take my rest- a Little House and the Prairie episode rewound and ready to go, a cup of tea in the clean cup w/ saucer ready to go, a workout on the treadmill where I can always find my work-out shoes waiting for me right beside it, or some time in the Word with my Bible that is always on top of the schoolwork/art drawers with my notebook and blue smooth writing ballpoint pen. 

My organized life will look quite different than yours.   For example- a person might look at my unevenly  and unalphabitized stack of spice jars, packets and shakers in my  spice cupboard and say "what's up with that?!", but I know that I can reach my hand inside without even looking and grab exactly what I want out of about 25 items.  Everything has it's place. It has the order that I want from it so that it works best for me.  How does your spice cupboard work for you?  Do you waste time and energy digging for something?  Do you buy things you already have because you couldn't find it?  Or, are your spices spread out all over your home- pepper? in the couch.  garlic powder? back porch.  gaucamole seasonings? on top of the dryer.

Here are some words I associate with organizing:
Simplify (a theme running in my life right now)
God (He is a God of order, not chaos ;) check out Genesis 1)

So, this month I will be peppering my posts with the organizing element of my life.  I am not coming with a lot of formal knowledge in this area but I do know what works for my family and tweak it often to change with our needs for the time or when I get a better idea or new inspiration. I do know what works for me in my responsibilities in the ministry, but that changes too, and I end up looking for new ways to make my tasks most effective.  Maybe you'll find something useful or absurd, who knows.  Maybe you might offer me some advice also. 

A quote from a very good book that I just can't seem to put down----

"Let all things be done decently and in order."
-Bible    (1 Corinthians 14:40)


Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

I would love to organize my spice cupboard, but I am not the only cook in the kitchen, so whenever I spend a half an hour making it looks just so, someone I love comes over and takes stuff out and puts it in an entirely different place. I get frustrated and irritated, so I just don't do it it much anymore. It can be discouraging, even in the little things.

You amaze me with your ability to organize. We can all take lessons from you!

Cheesemakin' Mamma said...

Love the new look of your blog!

I'm pretty organized, but oh don't even get me started with my spices! I have so many and they are literally stacked on top of each other, but I pretty much know where every thing is. I know I need to organize them in some way. I buy spices in bulk, but I need to get them out of the bags and into mason jars. You're motivating me, Girl! I'm looking forward to future posts on this.

Hope you had a wonderful time at the "Mommies of Large Families" support group last night!


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed looking over you blog
God bless you

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