Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Afternoon of Learning!

Yesterday afternoon my friend and church member, Linda, came over to teach me how to make her most absolutely fabulous, best ever pie crust. Now I too am an expert and will be able to stop buying pre-made pie crusts because I've always been a failure when it comes to them. My mom taught me when I was a kid, I've had other helpful people offer advice but I could just never make one that was satisfying to me. I've even used an all butter recipe from my sis-n-law, but it never turned out like hers. Anyways this pie crust has two unique ingredients- an egg and a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Soooo delicious, thick and flaky! I will post the recipe, but be warned.... it has shortening. I kept thinking... I'm poisoning my family for dinner but then I thought, okay that's not really rational and I don't use a pie crust that often either, about as often as a store bought pie crust (which is way worse!) The pie crust is for 2

Mix together in separate bowl
1 Egg
About 3-4 Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar (according to your preference, make sure it smells strong, and you're good)About 1/4 water
In another bowl cut in 12 tablespoons of shortening (I remember buying a non-hydrogenated form at Wild Oats when we lived in Springfield, so it does exist! Lots of luck finding it)
into 2 Cups of flour
until about the size of peas
Now, add about 1/2 the egg mixture into the flour mixture and mix up. Keep mixing in the egg mixture until the dough is almost wet/sticky. Stop when it reaches this consistency, you may not use all of the egg mixture.
Roll out on a heavily floured board.

With one of the pie crusts, I made a Quiche for dinner (aka egg pie, we eat it monthly in my home). This time I made it with Monterey Jack Cheese, Ham (I use Hormel Natural... nitrate free!) and Finely Chopped Broccoli. 12 eggs (I use cage free, eggland's best... nice to the chickens and the eggs are much better!), about a cup of half and half a dash of salt and pepper and about 1 1/2 Tsp of nutmeg. Served with salad and this delicious pie for dessert:

With the other pie crust, Linda introduced me to this easy and tasty pie!

Coconut Macadamia Nut Pie
Whisk together:
1 Cup Sugar
3 Eggs
Add- 1 Cup light corn syrup
1/2 Cream
1Tablespoon of melted butter
1 Cup coursely chopped Macadamia nuts
1 Cup flaked coconut
Pour into unbaked pie crust
Bake at 350 for 50-55 minutes


Cheesemakin' Mamma said...

If you don't want to use shortening, coconut oil has the same consistency as shortening and adds a delicious flavor to the crust. Coconut oil is very good for you, too. It can be substituted straight across for shortening.

Have a great day!

Bebee's Human said...

I think Rachel got truamtised into struggling to make pie crusts. Her brother made perfect pie crusts at age 12 and she's been stressed out ever since. Poor baby! Rachel has been a good cook ever since I taught her not to cook raw cookie dough in toasters.

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