Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, October 9, 2009

My Bad

For my weekly update this week, I will be taking a look inward at "my bads".  If nothing else, I hope it makes you feel better about yourself when you think  "well, atleast I don't do that"

Let's start with Sunday....
Did anyone else know that last Sunday was NOT daylight savings???  Well, I had it stuck in my head that it was.  Saturday night I went around and turned all the clocks back, let the kids stay up a little later, and basically lived it up what with getting a whole extra hour in my day and all.  I woke up Sunday morning feeling all good and refreshed, poured myself a cup of coffee and sat my rump down on the couch since I had extra time that morning.  I said my prayers, ran over in my mind who might not be at church that day (because they usually get mixed up on Daylight savings), and turned on the news.  On our satelite tv you can see what time it is my pressing the "info" button.  They had the time put up and I felt all "high and mighty" that they had the time wrong but I got it right.  I was enjoying my high and mighty feeling thinking that all the news stations that I was flippin' around were wrong and that they must've forgot to change their clocks.  Then the through crossed my mind to go check the calendar... and WHOA!!  AAAAAA!!!!!  I was waaaay wrong!!  Daylight savings is Nov. 1.  So I made a mad dash around the house waking everyone up and apologizing profusely for my awful mistake.  We scrambled around and made a made dash to get to church. 

During the past week, I have also let myself get to bothered by an "energy zapper".   I can feel it fuming underneath my skin and have nursed to many negative, unchristian thoughts to where I feel worse about the person than I really should.  I really enjoy this person for the most part, but I think I know to much and therefore things just get way to weird between us.  I have some boundaries to re-establish, some extra love to offer, and some waiting on the Lord to do.

I blew my top the other night and yelled at my whole family.  Every single one of them.  You should've seen their faces!!  They were full of surprise, fear, and one was giggling (?!?!)     but my face, though, was just plain ugly.  Ugly, ugly  mommy at the end of her fuse.  Again, many apologies were in order... from me, and I am grateful to have children and a hubby with forgiving hearts.   I don't want to be ugly, I want to be lovely.  God help me.

I did the double whammy schedule mix up this week and thought the boys had early release on Wednesday (I did learn, though,  never fully trust an 8 year old). Right around the time I was supposed to be heading home, I found myself and the girls stuck at the store for last minute Women's Retreat Purse Auction Supplies.  So I called Paul and said... is there any way at all you  can get home to get the boys??  He changed his schedule for me and rushed home.  I get home a little later and there are no boys, just Paul sitting there in a big old empty house.  Ooops!

Mary is cutting teeth and wore me out this week with her constant waking up in the middle of the night. I am sleep deprived again heading into a weekend (Women's Retreat) of sleep deprivation.  I will be asking the Lord for extra traveling mercies.

I told someone I didn't like their shoes.  I know, weird.  But they asked my opinion and I seriously thought they were joking.  I felt bad, and again... "I'm so sorry!"

I know for sure there is tons more.  There always is.  Thankfully I don't remember everything, and most importantly, I am forgiven and God doesn't hold it against me, nor the people who really love me.
When I look at how messed up I can be due to circumstances beyond my control or just plain old sin, it gives me a bigger picture of others and reminds me to always give others the benefit of the doubt.  We can never really know where someone's coming from.


Betsy Hart said...

You did make me feel better. :) I love hearing about your adventures!!

Cheesemakin' Mamma said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does this kind of stuff! I just thank God I'm living under God's grace. You are too and tomorrow is a new day. Sounds like the retreat couldn't have come at a better time.

God bless you, Rachel!


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