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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Are people assets or liabilities?

I just read the following on a blog I read occasionally. I'm so glad I read it today! I agree wholeheartedly with this post and wholemindedly! The Jueb family has said it best in regards to Nany Pelosi's, President Obama's and countless other socialist minded democrats, who are anti-life. Read on....
"You’d hate to ask this question, but sometimes reality forces the issue. Nancy Pelosi is making the headlines today over her ABC News exchange claiming $200 million in contraception is needed to boost the economy. Her logic goes something like this:
People consume.People drain the economy.Therefore, $200 million in contraceptives will help the economy.
Brilliant. That is, if you’re Planned Parenthood, one of Pelosi’s favorite lobbyists. Such a stretch is incredibly revealing as to who is in whose pockets. $200 million for “family planning” to reduce the number of children born in America? Sure, that may work, but this would somehow boost the economy? Who is Pelosi trying to fool? Andrea Tantaros of Fox News has declared Pelosi’s brain “officially gone numb” in her well-worded title blog, “Show Me the Economist Who Says We Are In a Crisis Because of a Birth Control Shortage.” That’s a good request!
There was 19th century economist Carl Marx who believed humans to be a burden to society. Adolf Hitler would agree, too, but he was a military dictator, not an economist. China’s leaders have been limiting family size for three decades, but I wonder where they’ll be once that generation reaches retirement?
Perhaps where Japan is today. Tokyo reports corporations are aggressively urging couples to start multiplying. In a CNN article, it was reported that the economy is tanking in Japan. “Japan in the midst of an unprecedented recession, so corporations are being asked to work toward fixing another major problem: the country’s low birthrate.”
America is not built on the notion that the government needs to take care of its people. Quite contrare, Ms. Pelosi. America is built on the notion that its government is of the people and for the people. People are the driving force of our economic prosperity and our freedoms. Reversing this to make government the driving force has been tried before, but never succeeded (note Marx’s successors above). As long as people are given opportunity to prosper, they will give into the economy and everyone will grow. Economists who believe this are a dime a dozen.
A government who actively encourages through millions in funding to terminate pregnancies and limit births is begging for–at least–an economic bruising. Change is definitely in the air. One of the first executive orders from the Obama administration was to reverse the Bush policy of refusing federal funds for overseas abortions. So now tax-payers are paying for overseas abortionists. Just what is needed to help stimulate the American economy!
You see, only populations that procreate are ones that have the opportunity to prosper and grow. This isn’t Jeub bias talking here; this is the reality of demographics. Japan–whose birthrate is 1.3 per couple, below the replacement ratio of 2.1–are wising up. They’re seeing the devastating effects of a childless society: they’re getting old, and there are no children left to fill the jobs.
This is why we believe it is quite obvious: people are assets. Ms. Pelosi is sorely short-sighted, seeing only babies in diapers needing government-assisted childcare. We see every person as a unique and special gift from God, a contributor in unique ways to society. On a purely economic level, the Jeub children will grow into 15 adult contributors to society, through their work and their ingenuity. Here’s a much more logical syllogism:
People contribute to society.Government takes from people.Therefore, give back to those families creating more people.
Granted, this logic is Jeub-biased. I would love to see the per-child tax credit go up, and see our government actively encourage couples to stop fearing parenthood and start engaging in this most beautiful stage of life. Such incentives would work better than Pelosi/Obama’s call for contraception spending." -from the Jeub family blog


Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...


This stuff is soooo scary to me. I try not to freak out over it, because I truly know that I have no control. I'm going to give this one to God and keep having babies! LOL!

Cheesemakin' Mamma said...

Amen, Sister!

CD said...

Very well written!!! Thanks for stopping by my site today, I will definitely be visiting yours!

Bebee's Human said...

Yes! Very well written.

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